
Dieta astringente: alimentos recomendados

Whether because of a virus, a bacterial infection, as a consequence of a digestive disease, an episode of stress or side effects of certain medicines, having liquid evacuations frequently is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms that can be suffered. If it is acute, for a punctual cause, diarrhea will

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¿Cómo es una dieta para subir de peso de forma saludable?

The characteristic director of a weight gain diet consists of Aurmar the calories, ensuring a correct contribution of macro and micronutrients, in the quantity are adequate and adapted to the energy expenditure of the individual, using foods with a profile. A effort that, without the proper tools and monitoring, can

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¿Vitamina D baja? Esto es lo que tienes que comer

Vitamin D, Hydrocolecciferol or 25-hydroxi vitamin D is easily synthesized at the skin from the sun’s rays. Reality, however, tells us that we spend more time more time in interior spaces where it barely gives us the light of the Sol, not to mention the relationship between excess ultraviolet radiation

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Por qué practicar deporte es importante para la salud

EVERY TIME There are more and more Spaniards who prioritize their physical well-being, and it is not surprising: Staying active and practicing sports is the key to feeling better, leading a healthy lifestyle and unconnecting from the routine. THIS PATH TOWARDS A SALTTIER LIFESTYLE, Having allies like Aldi can make

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de dónde proviene, beneficios y recetas

With beans or chickpeas, this type of croquette from the Middle East has recently taken center stage on Western menus. With all the nutritional benefits that legumes provide, falafel, crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, is no longer just for vegetarians. What is falafel? Dietitian-nutritionist María Colomer,

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Cocinar con freidora de aire: mitos y trucos

Cooking with an air fryer is an increasingly common gesture in Spanish kitchens. This small appliance has once again been one of the star gifts last Christmas and there are more and more video tutorials, e-books with recipes and press articles that reveal tips and tricks to get the most

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Descubre las mejores combinaciones para tus batidos de frutas

Although smoothies were normally associated with caloric drinks, with chocolate, cream and cookies, for some time now they have been becoming more present with healthier ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables. Another name, more attractive to Generation Z, has been added to these fruit smoothies: smoothie. It thus becomes a

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It seems that the page you are looking for has disappeared. But we have other interesting things to share. Simply scroll down to see our products and services, free starter kitsand free articles on nutrition and fitness. You can also search for what you need below.

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Alimentos con fibra para el estreñimiento

Constipation is one of the great digestive problems of our society. A sedentary lifestyle and stress are largely to blame, but it must also be attributed to the fact that we ingest little fiber. Although, as we are going to see, not all foods rich in fiber work the same

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