Constipation in babies is one of the biggest headaches for parents. So are doubts about when there are many and when there are few bowel movements. In this article we leave out false modesty and address bluntly what happens when the newborn does not poop, or, as many parents point out almost blushingly at the pediatrician’s office, if there are home remedies ‘to make my baby poop’.
And, as we are going to see, constipation in newborns (and older babies) is greatly influenced by the type of milk they drink, whether breast or formula feeding.
Breastfeeding stools
As a general rule, it is difficult for a breastfed baby to have constipation, something that tends to be more common in those who take formula bottles. Babies fed with Breastfeeding They begin their bowel movements on the third or fourth day of life, depending on the mother’s milk supply. After expelling the meconium, the stools change color as the days go by, from darker to lighter.
The normal thing in the first two months of life in breastfed babies is that they do “of 4 to 6 bowel movements a day. It is normal for these stools to be soft and yellowish-green in color,” says Mª Ascensión Olcina, dietitian-nutritionist and Honorary Academician at the Spanish Academy of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
False constipation with breastfeeding
The expert also remembers that “although from the first month onwards, babies may stop defecating for several days, when the defecation is performed, it will be more abundant, but still soft. The cause of this apparent constipation may be due to the fact that breast milk hardly contains any residues.” These situations are totally normal and there is no need to worry.
In fact, babies can have a liquid stool after each feeding (up to 10-12 stools a day). But it may also be that they have «a very low depositional frequency, defecating even every 3 or 5 days or more, but of a soft consistency and not accompanied by defecatory straining.» Both cases can be considered normal.
Recommendations from health professionals tend to reassure parents. Whether the baby makes many statements or if they are few, the important thing is to pay attention to her condition: if she is calm, if she is sleeping well or, on the contrary, she shows signs of pain, some discomfort or sleep disturbances.
The process is very similar in the case of formula-fed babies: 4 to 6 soft stools, more abundant in the first month. In the following weeks, several days may pass without pooping, and then it will be “more abundant and, in this case, more compact, but this apparent constipation is not a cause for alarm,” says Olcina.
In breastfed babies, does the mother’s diet have an influence?
The answer is affirmative. “In different scientific studies it has been shown that everything the mother ingests influences the composition, taste and smell of breast milk. Therefore, also in digestion, the composition of the intestinal microbiota and, finally, in the baby’s stools,” declares the dietitian-nutritionist.
Constipation in formula-fed babies
Constipation is usually associated with the immaturity of the intestines, which causes “slowness in bowel movements.” Something that is solved progressively as the newborn grows.
To facilitate intestinal transit it is very important. follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the amount of water that must be added to formula milk to ensure that the baby is adequately hydrated. What if my baby is still constipated? Olcina recalls that “there are formulas for dairy preparations to counteract it.” Before venturing to give it to your child, you should consult with your pediatrician.
How do I know if my baby is constipated?
This question has a complex answer because, as María Ascensión Olcina says, “the concept of constipation is a clinical diagnosis that is not defined by the frequency of bowel movements.” The number of times the baby poops is not so important, but rather its consistency and the way it is expelled. «Currently, constipation encompasses the size and hardness of the stool, as well as the manifestations associated with the baby’s general discomfort, abdominal pain, writhing, crying, and few, hard stools.»
My baby doesn’t poop: When should I start worrying?
Since the number of bowel movements is not a good clue, it is advisable to look at other types of signs to know if there is constipation in the baby:
- Continuous episodes of great effort and crying which last between 10 and 20 minutes in the defecation process.
- Increased abdominal pressure and contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, although later the stools are soft or even liquid.
- If we observe strands of red blood or black fecal matter after the seventh day of the baby’s birth.
Although under normal conditions these episodes should resolve spontaneously as the infant learns to perform this activity, it is better to visit the pediatrician.
Home remedies to relieve baby constipation
Evacuating is a natural act that, like everything, involves natural learning. María Ascensión Olsina insists that “the first thing is to reassure parents, detailing the physiology and benign nature of their baby’s constipation.” Below she breaks down several tips to avoid parental despair and relieve the little ones:
- abdominal massages. It has been shown that they can improve intestinal transit. They should be performed with circular movements in a clockwise direction, in the area of the large intestine and with hands moistened with a little oil.
- Gentle leg manipulation. It can also help the baby with dyschezia or lack of control of the strength and ability to open the sphincter. To do this, it is appropriate to gently draw their legs against their belly and press.
- relaxing bath. Stress is not a good friend at any age and learning to evacuate, especially if there are difficulties, generates stress in the infant. A warm, relaxing bath can also help you pass stool.
- Avoid rectal stimulation. Pooping, to use the language of parents in consultation, is something natural and learning to do it takes time. For this reason, it is not advisable to practice rectal stimulation, since it hinders learning to evacuate.”
Prevention and treatment of constipation in babies over six months
From six months onwards, foods suitable for this age are gradually introduced. This is when complementary feeding begins. From that moment on, “the preventive approach and educational guidance must be a constant in babies who suffer from constipation, so we will start good dietary habits,” says Olcina.
To begin with, you must drink water and do so in sufficient quantity for proper hydration of the baby. It is important for parents to get children used to drinking enough water throughout the day.
Complementary feeding has an advantage: it provides foods with fiber. They will be progressively incorporated:
- Fresh fruit with skin, such as plums, pears, oranges and other easily chewable ones.
- Whole grain cereals rich in fiber for the preparation of papillae
- Whole grain rice and pasta
- Vegetables: preparations with vegetables, such as broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, leek, green beans (always well cooked) and combined with various legumes, chickpeas, lentils, beans…
The ALDI Council
The first weeks of a baby are often a challenge for parents, especially if they are first-timers. In order not to forget anything during visits to the pediatrician, it is advisable to write down all the doubts and go to the consultation with everything written down, including the days on which it happens and the symptoms we see in it.
Maria Ascension Olcina. Graduated in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Valencia (2010). In 2019 he created the ONGD MOSSolidaria and maintains ongoing projects in developing countries such as Ethiopia, Sahrawi refugee camps… Master in Human Rights, Peace and Sustainable Development from the Faculty of Law, Philosophical Law, University of Valencia ( 2017). Doctoral student in Medicine, Public Health, Hygiene and Environmental Health. Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, Hygiene and Environmental Health, University of Valencia (2024).