Cortisol ⫸ Una de las razones por las que ACUMULAMOS grasa

Overweight and fat accumulation are not interchangeable concepts, although they are often linked. he cortisol It is one of the factors that influence both assumptions. Therefore, we analyze what this hormone does and how to keep it at its optimal level.

What is cortisol?

Also known as the “stress hormone”, cortisol is much more, it is essential for our body. It is produced in the adrenal glands and is involved in metabolic skills such as the regulation of sugar or blood pressure. In addition, it is essential for the immune system to function properly.

Under normal circumstances, cortisol production follows a pattern. The highest levels are obtained in the morning when you wake up and decrease progressively during the day, until reaching the minimum at night.

But, as we said, it is impossible to understand the role of cortisol without talking about stress. And the production of this hormone increases significantly when the brain perceives that we are in danger. Let us remember that, initially, stress It is a natural response mechanism when faced with a threat.

And what consequences does this increase have? Well, basically, the body goes into mode store fat. That is, it is activated to accumulate that energy that is supposed to be necessary to face danger. It is evident that, if this increase occurs punctually, there is no problem. However, in cases of chronic stress or periods of continuous stress, it can lead to excessive fat accumulation in areas such as the abdomen or weight gain.

The relationship between cortisol and food.

The cortisol hormone not only increases in level due to stress, there are other physiological reasons related to this alteration in its production. But, ruling out health problems, the most common thing is that it is motivated by our emotional state.

Also, there are certain habits that cause an increase in cortisol. One of them are the sleep rhythms. We have already indicated that, naturally, its production decreases at night. Not maintaining a regular nighttime rest period of at least 7 hours breaks this diurnal pattern of cortisol.

Whatever the cause, what all studies show is that there is an interrelation between diet and the stress hormone. Cortisol causes your appetite to skyrocket and, especially, when it comes to foods rich in sugar and calories. But, also, whatever you eat, your body has the “order” to store it. Especially in the abdomen area.

To close this perfect storm, a kind of vicious circle is generated because the increase in cortisol and poor diet feed off each other. The brain receives a sensation of reward when consuming those foods rich in sugar and fat, which makes us feel more “craving” to eat them.

Tips to keep cortisol at bay

At this point, it is likely that you yourself have concluded what type of foods contribute to increasing the level of cortisol and, therefore, you should avoid them. However, before confirming them, there is another equally important recommendation that you should follow to keep this hormone under control: meal times.

Don’t forget that we have mentioned that, under normal conditions, cortisol levels drop at night. But if it comes, that natural regulation does not occur. Surely you know more than one person who feels the need to binge at night, especially on low-quality foods. Everything that is controlled during the day is consumed without measure at night!

The damage of that habit is twofold. First, because of the nature of the food. And, second, because eating at night increases the level of cortisol and, therefore, promotes fat accumulation.

So, as a summary, to keep cortisol under control:

  • keep a sleep routine appropriate.
  • Respect a meal schedule correct.
  • Aim for high nutritional density foods.
  • Reduce consumption of foods rich in fats and sugarsespecially in the afternoon and at night.
  • Limit your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol.

Finally, keep in mind that regular physical exercise is your best ally to keep your cortisol level under control. At Eurofitness we help you establish a personalized plan to find that balance and feel better.

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