Navidad en Familia 2024 de la ONCE

benidorm will welcome between on December 22 and January 2 the program Social VacationsFamily Christmas 2024‘that organizes the ONCE and that prevents many people from having to spend these Christmas holidays alone.

he hotel Poseidon Resort of the Alicante municipality will host those days 250 blind and visually impaired peopleover 55 years old, who do not have family company with which to share the Christmas holidays or who are in a situation of greater social need. ONCE helps them by financing a large part of the total cost of the trip and offering them a space for company and coexistence..

A team of ONCE animators will be in charge of developing a complete program of activities that includes everything from musical performances, workshops and group dynamics, dance or gymnastics, to carrying out tourist and cultural excursions, such as those scheduled to Alicante, Elche or Novelda.

The program also includes special “gala” dinners and lunches for the most significant days of the holidays and party favors at New Year’s Eve.

The next December 27the participants of ‘Family Christmas 2024‘They will also receive the institutional visit of Ana Diazgeneral counsel coordinator of Social Policies and Territorial Councils of ONCE; Angel Luis Gomez, director of Sociocultural, Artistic and Sports Promotion of ONCEand Ana Esteban, responsible for the Department of Sociocultural and Sports Management.

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