hacia el impacto social del mundo empresarial

from CEOEand ILUNION Group “We invite you to the event”Accessibility: towards the social impact of the business world«, the next October 10 at 09:30 a.m. at the CEOE headquarters in face-to-face format.

The European directive 2019/882 on accessibility requirements for products and services, known as the European Accessibility Actwill harmonize the accessibility of products and services in the EU.

son two European directives oblige companies to address the management of the accessibility of their goods or services: the accessibility directive itself and the corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD), which identifies two new developments that involve the management of accessibility by companies.

Join us next October 10 in this session in which we will learn what these directives are established, how to address them and the experience of three companies that are already working on this challenge.

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