- In brief: MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN launches new organizational chart; The Queen learns about the IMPULSO Project during the VII Discapnet Awards; The Confederation publishes the ‘Report on the state of Human Rights in mental health, 2023’.
- Library: «Mental health in the company»; «Suddenly, damn lucidity»; «Behind the noise.»
- Main report: Mutual support agent: the professional role that provides hope and serves as a reference in mental health recovery.
- Mental health up to date: Personal assistance, a fundamental figure for the right to independent living.
- In Confederation: The Confederation places emphasis on mental health care for young people identified with the LGTBIQ+ group; Almost 200 people participated in the employability workshops promoted by SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA; The Mental Health and Sports Tour ‘Fundación Blanca y Renfe’ reaches four cities thanks to the Confederation.
- Entities: Socio-labor inclusion, a priority line of work in the MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN association movement
- One day in… The media treatment of mental health: between advances and stigma.
- Talking to… Eduardo Vara, author of the book «Damned Work»: «It is okay to sacrifice, but not to get sick because of work.»
- The voice of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA: Cristina Acosta, president of the Canary Islands Mental Health Federation.
Available for free donation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=»1/5″][dt_default_button link=»url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.consaludmental.org%2Fpublicaciones%2FRevista-encuentro-n2-2024.pdf|title:Descargar%20revista|target:_blank» button_alignment=»btn_center»]DOWNLOAD MAGAZINE[/dt_default_button][ultimate_spacer height=»0″ height_on_tabs=»5″ height_on_tabs_portrait=»10″ height_on_mob_landscape=»15″ height_on_mob=»15″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][dt_default_button link=»url:%2Fsuscripciones%2F|title:Descargar%20revista|target:%20_blank|» button_alignment=»btn_inline_right» el_class=»reves» icon_align=»right»]SUBSCRIBE TO THE MAGAZINE[/dt_default_button][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=»1/4″][vc_btn title=»VOLVER A REVISTAS» style=»gradient-custom» gradient_custom_color_1=»#ffffff» gradient_custom_color_2=»#ffffff» gradient_text_color=»#005b50″ shape=»square» align=»center» i_icon_fontawesome=»fa fa-chevron-circle-left» add_icon=»true» link=»url:%2Fcentro-de-documentacion%2Fpublicaciones-de-salud-mental%2Frevista-encuentro%2F|title:VOLVER%20A%20PUBLICACIONES||»][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => Encuentro Magazine No. 2 year 2024
[post_excerpt] => On the cover: “Mutual support agent».
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-10-04 10:34:51
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This issue develops, among others, the following topics:
- In brief: MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN launches new organizational chart; The Queen knows the
IMPULSO Project during the VII Discapnet Awards; The Confederation publishes the ‘Report on the state of Human Rights in mental health, 2023’. - Library: “Mental health in the company”; «Suddenly, damned lucidity»; «Behind the noise.»
- Main report: Mutual support agent: the professional role that provides hope and serves as a reference in mental health recovery.
- Mental health up to date: Personal assistance, a fundamental figure for the right to independent living.
- In Confederation: The Confederation places emphasis on mental health care for young people identified with the LGTBIQ+ group; Almost 200 people participated in the employability workshops promoted by SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA; The Mental Health and Sports Tour ‘Fundación Blanca y Renfe’ reaches four cities thanks to the Confederation.
- Entities: Socio-labor inclusion, a priority line of work in the MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN association movement
- One day in… The media treatment of mental health: between advances and stigma.
- Talking to… Eduardo Vara, author of the book “Damned Work”: “It is acceptable to sacrifice, but not to get sick because of work.”
- The voice of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA: Cristina Acosta, president of the Canary Islands Mental Health Federation.
Available for free donation.