On June 18, the Advanced Technologies Center of Zaragoza hosted the I Seminar on Local Health of Aragon, which was attended by more than 160 professionals from the social and health field from different parts of the Aragonese geography. The Seminar was organized by the Department of Health – specifically by the Planning, Determinants and Health Promotion Service of the General Directorate of Public Health – and by the Aragonese Federation of Municipalities, Districts and Provinces (FAMCP), with the aim of promoting community participation at the local level to improve health and favor the creation of a space for intersectoral and multidisciplinary coordination in Aragon, from Health in All Policies and with an Equity approach.
The conference was opened by the Minister of Health, José Luis Bancalero, who stressed the importance of working to ensure that all sectors include health as an essential component in all policies.
Jara Cubillo, Head of Service of the Health Promotion and Equity Area of the Ministry of Health, was in charge of presenting the Local implementation of the Health Promotion and Prevention Strategy in the National Health System (NHS)which seeks to promote the health and well-being of the population by promoting healthy environments and lifestyles. He highlighted how the local environment is an ideal place to work on the framework of social determinants of health and equity. He also presented the Local Implementation Network, and the Localiza Salud tool and explained the process for that a municipality adheres to the Strategy. Currently, in Aragon there are 12 municipalities adhering to the Strategy and 5 in the process of joining.
After Jara Cubillo’s presentation, the panel entitled From the action data. In it, a brief explanation was made, on the one hand, of different community action tools existing in Aragon, such as: Public Health Atlas and the Health Asset Finder; and on the other hand, there was talk of the Health promotion and health advice through the presentation of the results of the Questionnaires on the vision from municipalities and regions of Aragon; and of the Aragon Addiction Plan.
The second part of the day was dedicated to the presentation of Models and Good Practices of Local Health in AragonThe following people participated in this roundtable:
- Health Network in Zaragoza Neighborhoods. Health Network of the Sources
- Regional Health Councils. Teruel Centre and Ensanche Health Council.
- Community Care Strategy in Primary Care. Recommendation of Physical Activity Assets in Aragon. Working from Primary Care with the Regions of Aragon.
- Aragonese Network of Health Promotion Projects. Comprehensive Assistance Program for Women During Menopause. Musa Association.
- Local Implementation of Health Promotion and Prevention Strategy in Aragon. Participating municipalities, Healthy municipalities. Participating municipality: Utebo.
Francisco Javier Lafuente, President of the FAMCP Regional Commission, and Mercedes Febrel, Head of the Planning, Determinants and Health Promotion Service of the General Directorate of Public Health of the Government of Aragon, closed the Seminar by highlighting the value of the regions as the best possible environment for working on health and health promotion.
In addition, the upcoming creation of a Network of local health initiatives in Aragon, which aims to be a space for debate and exchange for any initiative at a local level in Aragon, and to promote the local implementation of the Health Promotion and Prevention Strategy.
Finally, the Seminar organizers would like to express their gratitude to all the people and entities that attended and contributed to making this day an enriching day of meeting, learning and exchanging experiences.