Programa de Mentoría Carlos Campillo: Segunda Edición

After the success of the first edition of the Carlos Campillo Mentoring Program, the Health Economics Association (AES) is pleased to announce the call for its second edition. This is an initiative designed to support excellence in the academic and professional field of health economics that allows, among other things, the most junior researchers of the Association to have first-hand information from more senior researchers who already They have experienced what they do at the current moment (from an academic and/or professional point of view).

Experience of the First Edition of the Mentoring Program

The first edition of the Carlos Campillo Mentoring Program was carried out in 2022 and was very well received by the AES community. Specifically, a total of ten disciples and ten mentors from different national and international institutions participated.

In the matching process, the Program Committee was able to address practically all the candidates’ preferences regarding the mentors they wanted to advise them, thus complying in a highly satisfactory manner with the implementation of the Program.

The ten couples participating in this first edition met at least three times throughout 2022. A first contact was carried out by email, once the disciples and mentors had been informed about their respective “couples”. The rest of the meetings take place at the discretion of the participants, in the format that best suits them at each moment (in person or online), and depending on their needs and time. Some of the couples had the opportunity to meet during the XL+1 AES Conference held in Zaragoza between June 15 and 17, 2022. In fact, a space was reserved in the Conference program, “AESEC tutorships”, to accommodate this meeting between couples who met in Zaragoza.

The disciples of this first edition had a good experience in general, since they had the opportunity to receive very useful advice for their academic and/or professional training. Among the topics discussed with their mentors, guidance on the thesis project and guidance and support for searching and carrying out research stays stand out. Furthermore, some disciples were even able to obtain comment directly from their mentors to improve their ongoing research work. Only in two of the 10 couples did we find the usual scheduling problems and mismatches in expectations. We would like to highlight that both the mentors and the disciples found a firm commitment to the program. These experiences have been valuable for us and have allowed us to improve the selection and organization criteria for this year’s call.

Continuity and evolution: II Edition of the Program

After a satisfactory experience with the first edition of the Mentoring Program and the exemplary legacy of Carlos Campillo in the field of mentoring, we launch the second edition. In doing so, we reaffirm our commitment to developing future leaders and scholars in the field, encouraging the transfer of specialized knowledge and professional guidance. Likewise, we continue to promote professional diversity and gender equality in our association, as well as in innovative projects and research initiatives.

As with the first edition, with this new call we try to facilitate an intellectual dialogue between members with extensive experience and those who are beginning their career. The mentoring relationship focuses on professional guidance beyond traditional supervision, offering an opportunity for competency development and expansion of professional networks.

The implementation of the program is governed by a rigorous administrative procedure by a Committee composed of AES members and the selection of mentors and protégés is based on established criteria of experience and commitment, ensuring alignment of interests and relevance. . professional.

The implementation of this Program is mainly based on three steps:

  • A first call to recruit the group that will make up the senior researchers (mentors). This call will take place between days. May 6 and 18, 2024. The final resolution of this call will be published with the names of the mentors to participate on May 20.
  • A second call for AES junior researchers to show their interest in participating in the Program. For this, the period between the May 20 and 31, 2024.
  • Publication of mentoring assignment by the Program Committee on Monday June 10, 2024.


The second edition of the Carlos Campillo Mentoring Program represents a continuation of our effort to advance the field of health economics, with the hope of enriching both the participants and our scientific community as a whole.

The successful experiences of the first edition have motivated us to convene this second edition of the Program, which we hope will be equally or more satisfactory than the previous one. Therefore, through this entry we encourage you to participate, either as a disciple or as a mentor, and enrich yourself with the learning and growth opportunities that the mentoring process offers for both parties.

Don’t miss it and go for it!

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