Between 70% and 80% of pregnant women suffer from nausea during pregnancy, especially during the first months of pregnancy. They are the results of This studio carried out by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN) which point out that nausea and vomiting, whether mild or more severe in intensity, can influence the pregnant woman to the point of not being able to lead a normal pace of life.
It is not surprising that the phrase ‘doctor, how can I get rid of pregnancy nausea’ is one of the most frequently heard phrases in obstetric consultations, usually accompanied by ‘what can I eat that doesn’t make me nauseous?’ ‘ to which dietitians-nutritionists try to respond.
When does nausea start during pregnancy?
Mónica Pérez García, dietician-nutritionist and member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, points out that it is one of “the symptoms that first appear during pregnancy.” It is rare, but they can appear even before the woman knows her condition. The normal thing is that they appear during the first trimester and, specifically, in most cases, «between the fourth and sixth week.» Some studies suggest that in 7% of pregnancies, they begin even before the first missed menstrual period.
How long do they last since what week do they leave?
The most common morning sickness is typical of the first trimester. “Generally, they improve or disappear from the 16th or 18th week of gestation, although in some cases nausea can accompany the pregnant woman throughout the pregnancy,” says Pérez García. In these cases, the intensity and/or frequency do tend to decrease.
In fact, the study carried out by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN) indicates that only 10% of pregnant women continue to have symptoms after the 20th week of pregnancy. Other studies highlight that 5% of women suffer from them over the course of nine months.
In the most serious cases, what is called hyperemesis gravidarum. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of very intense nausea and excessive and recurrent vomiting during pregnancy.
In the most severe cases, dehydration problems, a decrease in electrolytes in the blood and loss of more than 5% of body weight may occur. A dangerous circumstance that can pose a serious health problem for the mother and baby. In these situations, medical attention is necessary to initiate a water and electrolyte hydration protocol (using serum), as well as consider taking antiemetic medications as needed to control recurrent vomiting.
Is it known what causes nausea during pregnancy?
Despite being one of the most common symptoms during pregnancy, there is still a lot of ignorance about the causes of this discomfort. Currently, with some recently published research, these possible causes of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy are pointed out:
- hormonal changes. In particular, elevated levels of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This is the hormone that serves as an early marker of pregnancy and is responsible for facilitating embryo implantation. For this reason, nausea arises “especially at the beginning, when the baby’s growth and the pregnant woman’s body changes have not yet begun.”
- Repositioning of the digestive organs. Another possible cause has to do with the fact that, “subsequently, as uterine growth progresses, the structures displace the stomach (and the digestive system in general) and compress the diaphragm. This pressure can also contribute to nausea and vomiting, along with gastroesophageal reflux.”
- Supplement intolerances. Pérez García also points out the vitamin and mineral supplements that are usually consumed during this period, since «they can have an influence by not tolerating iron well.» The dietitian-nutritionist even recommends trying different brands, in case this discomfort subsides.
- GDF15 hormone action. The most recent studies, published in the journal Nature under the title GDF15 linked to maternal risk of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, point to this hormone, produced by the fetus, as the cause of nausea. “The interaction of this hormone and maternal sensitivity would explain the severity of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. This opens a path of study for its treatment,” points out the dietician-nutritionist.
Nausea and vomiting in the morning, afternoon or night, which is worse?
“The most common are in the morning and they improve throughout the day.” These are the aforementioned morning sickness, which usually disappear with the arrival of the second trimester. If it continues in the afternoon and evening, it may be a more serious case.
Tips to avoid nausea (or, at least, reduce it)
There are no trials that provide sufficient scientific evidence on the effectiveness of dietary measures in nausea and vomiting, but clinical practice includes some recommendations that can help the process. Mónica Pérez García recommends the following tips to reduce morning sickness during pregnancy:
- Eat and to drink in small quantity and several times a day, even before feeling the sensation of hunger.
- It is advisable that foods and liquids be consumed at warm and cold temperatures because they have better tolerance.
- Prefer to simple cooking techniqueslike grilling, avoiding copious, fried and spicy foods.
- Drink especially between mealsso as not to distend the stomach even more.
- Although it is not always easy, you can try reduce stress and anxiety. To do this, it is recommended to use relaxation techniques and/or physical activity adapted to the physical condition of the pregnant woman.
- ventilate the room and avoid strong odors both in the kitchen and in the rest of the house
- No Smoking.
What to take for nausea during pregnancy?
Since the cause of these discomforts is not clear, the strategy is to try to relieve nausea during pregnancy with various techniques. The problem is that it has not been proven that they work in the same way, nor for all pregnant women. Let’s look at some of them:
- Carbonated drinks.
- Eat dairy products, toasted bread and crackers. “These foods are usually well tolerated, as are broths and infusions.”
- The best thing to do is to try different foods and observe when the discomfort is less.
- Add ginger for nausea during pregnancy, either as a tea, in candies, or as a spice in food.
If you still suffer from them, how can you relieve them?
- Use of vitamin B6 or antiemetic medications that the doctor prescribes in certain cases.
- Try changing the way you take the multivitamin and taking it with some food, because some pregnant women find iron irritating.
In what cases should you go to the doctor?
“If the nausea is very bothersome, even incompatible with daily life, or if there is intense and persistent vomiting that even causes sudden weight loss and/or dehydration, dizziness or hydroelectrolyte alterations.” In this case we would be talking about a possible hyperemesis gravidarum which, “fortunately, is not common.”
The ALDI Council
Every pregnancy is different. Even in women with multiple pregnancies, each one has different characteristics. If you have any setbacks or doubts, always consult your gynecologist.
![Monica Perez Garcia](https://www.academianutricionydietetica.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/1654628535930-150x150.jpg)
Monica Perez Garcia. Dietitian-nutritionist and member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She has had a private practice since 2012, specializing in clinical nutrition and weight loss. I enjoy being able to combine vocation and work.