If your goal is lose weightSo you can’t miss this circuit that we leave you here.
First of all, how can you lose weight?
The truth is that weight loss is complex or, at least, we could say that it is multifactorial. It does not depend on a single element, but there are many habits or routines that will influence this.
The general idea is that, for lose weight, what you need is a calorie deficit. This means: fewer calories enter than you spend in your daily life. To do this, you not only need a healthy diet, although this is always recommended. In fact, if you are interested, remember that we can give you the opportunity to contact our nutritionists. It will help you achieve your goals.
Well, not only diet is important, but also general physical activity. This can translate into active rest. What does this mean? Well, in your daily life, although you don’t have time to play sports, you do get as much exercise as possible.
For example, walk up the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike to places, and take long walks at a good pace. All these kinds of things will work. However. What about that one? 5 minute miracle routine to lose fat? Well let’s go with her!
How to lose fat in 5 minutes
Now that you know that this headline is a bit sensational and that the Loss of fat It depends on many other variables, let’s see what is most important.
- Seek prolonged caloric expenditure. Another key factor. It’s not about burning calories for 5 minutes and then stopping. The idea is to cause an acceleration in your metabolism that ends up leading to prolonged fat burning throughout the day.
- Look for a high intensity. Another factor is intensity. Such a short routine has to be very demanding, only in this way will you notice that it has an effect and will be of some use to you. It has to involve a great energy contribution. This way, you will notice it much more.
- Find non-injurious exercises. Lack of time generally also results in a lack of training preparation. This means: the mobility phase, warm-up and so on. Well, so that this does not pose a greater risk of injury, it is important that we choose exercises that are comfortable for you and that do not cause complications.
What should your routine include?
There is a training model that will be key: HIIT. he high intensity training It is scientifically proven to be the best way to lose fat and burn calories. It basically consists of intervals of great physical stress followed by periods of rest. We can combine this with some exercises that are more related to strength training, great for activating the metabolism.
So, this will be the idea of your routine, remember that you can combine them with other more specific workouts.
- 20 seconds sprint. In them, you will have to give everything possible of yourself. Until you run out of breath.
- Next, do 10 burpees. This is an especially complete exercise, where you work the entire body.
- Next, another 20 seconds of sprinting.
- Now, do 10 jump squats. It is important that you do not stop at any time. This is a very explosive exercise that will be perfect for training your legs as well.
- We continue with another 20 seconds of sprint. One detail that will be useful to you is to do it uphill. It will be very demanding, but it will be worth it.
- Now, let’s go with about 10 toes to the bars. If you don’t have a bar to hold onto, what you can do is 20 seconds of plank. An excellent way to work the core and not neglect it.
- Since you may already be exhausted from running, we are now going to do 30 seconds of combination. Non-stop. It is a very good way to do cardio, and you will work your entire body.
- Next, another 10 burpees. Make them as explosive as your body allows.
- Finally, we finish with 30 seconds of rope and 10 jumping strides, to ensure leg work.
You’ll see that with this explosive routine it will be easy to lose fat. And if you want to improve your sporting standards, do not hesitate to contact us.