Today we want to explain to you all the keys to strength trainingso you understand why it is so fundamental.
What is strength training?
Today, strength is very much associated with hypertrophy. Basically, it consists of the movement of weights or exercises that place high muscular demands on us. In this way, we will break the fibers of our muscles and they will be replaced by new, much more resistant ones.
It is true that strength training is not the same as directly doing hypertrophy. The load volume, the number of repetitions or the rest time are key to determining which of the two workouts we are doing. However, with either one or the other, we will achieve healthier, stronger and more functional muscles.
In general, the way to train strength is entering a low rep range (between 3 and 5 per series) and with breaks of up to 3 minutes. It is true that the volume of muscle that we are going to achieve does not have to be too high. But, yes, our muscles will have much more power and much more capacity.
Don’t think that a unique constitution is necessary to move heavy weights. People of all ages and conditions can benefit from strength training. It’s not so much the total amount of what you lift, but rather the effort it takes for you.
Don’t think that you are going to run the risk of injury either. If you’re worried about that, you can always lower the intensity a little, increasing the repetitions somewhat and reducing the weight you lift.
Keep in mind that this is a type of training that can always be adapted to you. To your objectives, to your conditions and, also, to your possibilities.
Why is it so important to do strength training?
You have already seen that we have defined this type of training as essential for people of all constitutions and ages. Because? Well, because of its enormous benefits, which are not few. We explain them to you:
- You will create a greater amount of muscle mass. Muscles are useful for protecting the rest of your body. Bones, joints, ligaments… With good muscles, you will be more functional in your daily life, preventing injuries or pain of all kinds. That is why it is so recommended, as long as it is done correctly.
- It is a way to reduce body fat. Training strength doesn’t just burn calories in the moment. It also speeds up metabolism and helps you burn fat throughout the day. Not only body fat, but also that which can be found between the tissues of the organs, that is: the visceral fat.
- It is one of the workouts that releases the most endorphins. Caloric expenditure is important, as is the effort it will require, but that also translates into a reward for your body. Specifically, in the form of endorphins.
- It is a good way to avoid injuries. Contrary to what it may seem to you, training strength does not make you more likely to feel pain, but to avoid them. Keep in mind that the more solid and resistant your muscles are, the more difficult it will be for everyday movements to cause any type of discomfort or pain. Keep in mind that most injuries do not occur in training, but at home or at work. Due to bad posture, bad movement, etc.
- It is a way to fall asleep better. Finally, the last great point in favor of this type of training is that it will help you release stress, get more tired, be more active during the day and have a more restful rest at night.
It is worth repeating, once again, thatStrength training has to be carried out in a planned way, within a specific and personalized routine. Therefore, it is key to always have the right team of professionals by your side who can support and guide you through all the steps.
What do you think now of the strength training? Are you going to integrate it into your gym routine? Remember that, if you need to have professionals to help you, we have the best facilities and the best experts to advise you. You just have to contact us!