Cómo prevenir la hipoacusia

A person has hearing loss (hypoacusis) when their hearing threshold in both ears is equal to or less than 20 decibels. PIt can affect one or both ears, and has different degrees: mild, moderate, severe and profound, and in the latter case it can even be disabling.

Hearing loss represents one of the main causes of disability worldwide and its prevalence increases as we age. According to the WHO, more than 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from some degree of hearing loss. It is estimated that this number will reach 2.5 billion people by 2050.

The consequences of hearing loss are numerous and include, in addition to the loss of the ability to communicate, delayed language development (in children), increased risk of cognitive impairment (older people), depression, anxiety, social isolation, feelings of Loneliness, frustration and stigma. It has also been related to the greater probability of having fewer years of education and a higher unemployment rate.

The main risk factors (causes) identified with hearing loss are genetic factors, hereditary or not; central nervous system and ear infections; exposure to certain chemicals; loud noises and sounds; ototoxic medications; trauma to the head or ear; smoking; nutritional deficiency; age-related neurosensory degeneration and otosclerosis.

According to the WHO, 50% of hearing loss cases can be prevented through the implementation of public health measures such as: early childhood screening and interventions; prevention strategies focused on promoting healthy lifestyle habits; development of regulations and protocols related to hearing care in the workplace; vaccination campaigns against diseases that can cause hearing loss (mumps, measles, meningitis…).

Immunization of women before pregnancy against rubella, as well as the prevention of cytomegaloviral infections in pregnant women, can reduce the risk of children being born with congenital hearing loss or deafness.

It is essential to prevent hearing loss at all stages of life., from the prenatal period to advanced ages. In children, approximately 60% of hearing loss is due to preventable causes. Likewise, the most common causes of hearing loss in adults, such as exposure to loud sounds and ototoxic medications, are preventable.

Tips for having healthy ears:

To do:

  • Protect ears from loud noises.
  • Regulate the volume of audio and sound devices.
  • Protect the ear area from low temperatures.
  • After bathing (daily, in pools or in the sea), dry the ear well.
  • Check your hearing regularly
  • Treat colds and allergies to avoid complications.
  • Consult a doctor if you have ear or hearing problems.

Which It should not be done:

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