he ‘Mediterranean Diet 2023’ meeting It arrives for the first time in Madrid with the aim of revaluing the traditional way of eating in Spain. If we talk so much about ‘how good it is coming‘In our country, it is time to bet on the food of our land. To bet on our health.
The Mediterranean diet is recognized throughout the world, by the most important entities, as an exceptional resource when it comes to promote health. Far from this being its only benefit, we must point out its link with: the conservation of the environment by relying on local foods, the establishment of population in rural territory and the use and recovery of local varieties and species. The success of Spanish gastronomy throughout the world thanks to its close relationship with the foods of our traditional diet is, likewise, undeniable.
However, for decades, the diet of Spaniards has tended to move away from the Mediterranean diet, increasingly resembling Anglo-Saxon diets with an excess of processed foods and so-called ‘fast food’. All of this to the detriment of Mediterranean habits and lifestyles that led to the declaration, by UNESCO, of our diet as intangible heritage of humanity.
When childhood obesity is a serious problem in our country and when the incidence of chronic pathologies greatly worries us, it is time to decisively bet on the recovery and dissemination of our traditional way of eating in all areas. From the Mediterranean diet.
When? November 29, 2023.
Where? School of Medicine. Complutense University of Madrid.
In collaboration with: Community of Madrid, Spanish Hypertension Society. Participating: Certified products from Madrid. Denominations of origin ‘Oils of Madrid’ and ‘Wines of Madrid’. Olives from Campo Real, meat from the Sierra de Guadarrama and certified organic farming products.
inscriptions. They are mandatory and can made here.
Program. It is an exclusively professional meeting.
You can see the program detailed below:
Mediterranean Diet program