Andalucia es salud nº 209. SIDA

Here we report an article from Andalucía es Salud:

number 209 – December 3, 2012
ISSN: 1988-7418


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In the last two decades the HIV epidemic has changed. If the virus is transmitted through shared use of injection equipment in injecting drug users, sexual transmission is currently the most important mechanism of infection. However, the perception of the risk of sexual transmission of HIV among the general population is very low, especially the risk of heterosexual transmission.

Thus, 90% of the Spanish population thinks that it is «unlikely or not at all likely» that they can become infected with HIV. The preliminary results of an investigation carried out by the Spanish Interdisciplinary Society of Sida ( SIXAIDS), which was presented in 2013, reveal a reality: barely 30% of the population in our country has ever been tested for HIV.

In Andalusia, programs have been launched aimed at reducing the incidence and impact of HIV, improving health care, adapting the offer of services to the needs of affected people, increasing the level of knowledge and information about this disease and the practice of safe sex, promote the training of professionals and promote research.

Sample of them is Young Form, a program for young people in which they are guided, among other topics, on healthy sexuality and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. In terms of promotion and prevention, there is the line of open collaboration with associations and NGOs, as well as the distribution of condoms and other prevention methods, initiatives that are part of the Andalusian Plan against HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI).

Early diagnostic

It is estimated that between 25 and 30% of people who have AIDS are unaware of their situation, which implies a delay in the start of their treatment and, therefore, a reduction in their chances of survival, in addition to potentially infecting others. other people if they engage in risky sexual practices.

For this reason, since 2008 the quick side test, a program that brings early diagnosis to those people who, according to a situation analysis, have a higher risk of being infected with HIV-AIDS and who do not usually go to health centers. The distribution of these tests is carried out in collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the NGOs that work in this area in the autonomous community, which makes it possible for people who are infected and do not know it to be diagnosed and initiate the procedure. treatment as soon as possible.
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