BESAP: Health Education and Primary Care Blog
We started a space for health knowledge management from the Dr. Eduardo Liceaga General Hospital of Mexico (HGMEL). There are many reasons and needs for this. If the importance of information has been highlighted for years, the most intense phases of confinement during the covid-19 pandemic made the importance of timely and accurate information more evident.
From the Electronic Center for Health Information and Research (CEIDS), attached to the Directorate of Health Education and Training of the HGMEL, we consider that knowledge management is essential for health promotion and that the information generated by medical activity . and research of this hospital are a valuable resource for primary health care.
This blog aims to support the generation of learning that strengthens capacities for self-care, prevention and timely care. It is, yes, about people having knowledge available to them to generate healthy behaviors, but of equal importance are the collective practices for the empowerment of communities through a dialogue of knowledge. It is in this sense that this blog considers the functional, interactive and critical aspects of health literacy (PAHO/WHO).
In fact, we propose that through this blog learning processes are built to access, analyze and apply information. The participation of all health actors is welcome, as it will contribute to this purpose.
As a pilot test, we started with International Brain Week as a background theme.
We invite you to flow, like synapses of neural networks, in this topic that is so current in public health.