Article 2 of Royal Decree 1055/2022, on packaging and packaging waste defines packaging as 'any product manufactured with materials of any nature and used to ...
It's the trendy snack. Hummus is a snack made from chickpeas that has united vegetarians, vegans and omnivores. Very satiating, nutritious and versatile. ...
Popular wisdom has coined the phrase 'being fresher than a lettuce' to refer to a person who enjoys excellent health. The expression already gives us an idea ...
From a flash to this point, intermittent fasting has become not only part of our vocabulary, but also part of our habits. For some, it is a way to more ...
Squats are an exercise that is in the repertoire of any training routine. Thus, this compound movement not only works the main muscles of the legs, but also ...
Few fruits present such a variety of shapes, textures, colors and flavors. There are mottled yellow ones, intense green ones and even purplish reddish tones. ...
This website uses its own and third-party cookies to analyze your browsing habits, personalize them, compile statistics on your interaction with our website, ...