Son steroids a shortcut to accelerate the growth of muscular mass. However, its consumption has become popular in certain sports fields, such as bodybuilding where to win muscular mass is vital to achieve better scores in the championships. Now, give these sustains in a compute of the disqualific in the average sanctification a possible. But the harmful effects on health can still be worse.
What son the steroids and what do they work for?
Steroids are lipid (that is, fat) with a certain chemical structure. “There are those that we could call Natures steroids, it naturally presents in plants and animals forming sex hormones, cholesterol or bile acids.
There are many steroid moles with various functions. «THE Corticosteroids They play a key role in physiological processes, such as the stress response, the response, the regulatory of inflammation and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, ”he adds.
- Glucocorticoids. With anti -inflammatory and metabolism regulatory properties.
- Mineralocorticoids. They control the levels of electrolytes and water in the body.
What son Anabolizing steroids?
Anabolizantes son chemical compounds capable of incelementing anabolic processes in the body, that is, reactions to synthesize corpal tissues.
The best known and used are androgenic anabolic steroids (EAA). They are artificial derivatives of the male sexual hormone, that is, of testosterone.
How are anabolizing steroids used?
Its use can be legal, under medical prescription, to achieve improvements in health, or illegal, for stale or competitive purposes.
Uses in Medicine
Anabolic steroids are used in some medical treatments, always under prescription of a faculture. Cases are used in the signs:
- Loss of muscular mass. Due to diseases, such as some tumors or HIV.
- Hormonal problems. As testosterone deficiency.
- Growth disorders. In adolescents with low hormone production
Illegal use in the gym
Although the sale and consumption outside the medical entone is illegal, steroids and form a sinister duo of success among some athletes. Its consumption is greater between athletes and bodybuilders with three objectives:
This use without authorization – warns the expert – «can caress serious health risks, as a problem of cardiovascular, hormonal alterations, we give in the liver, infertility and psychiatric effects depression -conference and aggressive.» «.» «.» «. The acquisition in the black market adds another greater potential risk: not knowing what is being purchased, that the product is poorly labeled, contaminated or contains harmful or toxic substances.

What son the steroid cycles?
The steroid cycles are periods of consumption of these substances followed by periods where consumption is suspended to resume some time desperate.
There are various types of cycles:
- Traditional cycle. ESUSE period followed by another without them.
- Stacking. One or several are taken simultaneously, combining oral forms and injection steroids, with the belief of enhancing the effects.
- Pyramid. It starts from low doses and aurma procisively until reaching a peak, followed by a reduction to minimize side effects.
- Plateau. Change or combinacy of different steroids to avoid developing a tolerance.
García Iruretagoyena warns that «despite the fact that those who follow these methods are convinced to maximize benefits and reduce risks, there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness or security.»
Risks and side effects of steroids
Cardiovascular impact
One of the most worrying effects of the use of Androgenic Anabolic steroids (EAA) is damage to the cardiovascular system. «They can alter the lipid profile, reducing cholesterol-hdl (good) levels and raising cholesterol-ldl (bad).
Its prolonged use has been associated with left ventricular hypertrophy, a circumstance that leads to the risk of heart failure and sudden death.
Psychological and behavioral alterations
Its consumption seocia to drastic humor changes, aggressiveness, iritability and episodes of Excitacia Extreme. «There is a relationship between narcissists, as well as other psychiatric alterations, including manic episodes in men who present testosterone levels,» says the expert.
Possible relationship
Latest types of anabolic design types (DS) have emerged, very popular for their own bass and the ease of access in the black market. Its consumption is related to genetic damage that could student the risk of some cancer moles and chromosomal disorders.
Steroids in women
Although most studies focus on men, some of them point out that their consumption could generate irreversible effects, such as voice masculinization, clitoris enlargement, the alteration of the cycle and the voray of the bump. Male characteristic. In addition to a greater predisposition a hormonal and gynecological problem.
Other common side effects
- Gynecomastia (mammary fabric development in men)
- Severe acne
- Libido reduction
- Premature Calvicie, Special Mess in people with genetic predisposition
- Alteration of the endogenous production of testosterone, which leads to testicular atrophy
- Liver damage
Are there foods that can enhance the effects of steroids?
Certain foods that provide us with vitamins, minerals or certain fats contribute to steroids, such as testosterone. However, to date, there are no studies that indicate specific foods as possible potentiars of the effects of androgenic anabolizing steroids.
Natural alternatives and diet to replace anabolizing steroids
Several incoming authors who, although I could not talk about causing addiction in the traditional sense of a substance, its prolonged use and the obvious negative physical effects suggest that they can certain dependence can. At least compulsive behaviors. For this reason it is advisable to eliminate them abruptly.
When they are taken by medical prescription, any cessation in consumption must also be supervised by a professional sanitary unitium and be done progressively. Regarding the consumption of steroids in bodybuilding or other sports where muscle growth is a competitive advantage, the expert insists on the importance of being aggressively to the health of salty substances. ”
To improve the Result in the gym is best to forget the shortcuts and opt for the personalized diet binomial, together with good sleep and rest. There is no hay to forget that it is during sleep when the growth peak of growth hormone is achieved, essential for tissue repair and for the formation of fibers muscles. «A healthy diet will be given and guided by a dietitian-nutritionist according to the abandonment plan silver by the physical trainer,» he concludes.
The Aldi Council
Do you want to improve your sports performance? Put in the hands of a good sander and follow your abandonment plan with effort and pachensia. The shortcuts never son a good solution.

Laura García Iruretagoyena. Member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. After studying pharmacy, nutrition and journalism, he has worked for more than six in pharmacy offices in San Sebastián, Bilbao and Düsseldorf (Germany). The latter approved the homolar examination of his paroder title exercising as a pharmaceutical professional. Back in Spain he worked as a journalist for a health communication cabinet. To lose sight of this field and after the arrival of the pandemia he decided to embark in a new one a year later he moved again in medical information in feeling is senior of pharmacovigilance and integrated, in Pharmalex (Germany).