Onagra oil is one of the most successful parapharmacy products. They are attributed from benicios to mitigate the effects of the rule to improve the status of hair and skin. We are analyzing, with the scientific evidence available, how much is true in the benefits for the Woman of Onagra oil.
That onagra oil
Onagra oil is obtained from plant seeds Oenotera goodnisAlso known as onagra or primula. This plant proceeds to originate from the region of the great lakes in the United States and Canada, although given its commercial success, it is also cultivated in other areas of Europe (France and Germany).
Its main destination is oil production, although it is also used by the ornamianal properties of its flowers, with an intense yellow color.
Candela Martínez Castro, dietitian-nutritionist specialized in gynecological disorders, explains that «onagra oil is very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (AGPI).» However, the overall action of this oil can lead to Anti -inflammatory or pro -inflammatory effects according to the global diet context. «A Omega-6 excess in the diet, which is a polyunsaturated fat tip, could promote a proinflammory state, since it derives in arachidonic acid, precursor of infamous prostraglandins (PGE2) and leukotrienes.»
Without an obstacle, that pro -inflammory effect is not clear. «In the end, it is the diet as a whole that really has an impact.»
Linoleic acid
65-80% is linoleic acid, an essential omega-6 that can become final in prostaglandins, both anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory. «Even if you talk about inflammation, let’s not forget that it is a natural and necessary response of the organism in its defense and for the repair of the tissues. The problem that flees if it is kept undead gives rise to refrerant alterations,» he says.
The expert -it remembers that the balance in the anti -inflammatory or infamatory compounds sites is due to the diet together. «It will derive in anti -inflammatory if according to a salable diet that surely surely fresh and unpatient foods, which contribute key nutrients such as vitamin E, selenium or phytochemicals such as polyphenols. In the opute pole, I could turn made I made a effects if a little salible food is followed rich in foods of high energy density, free sugars, saturated fats or saturated fats «
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
It is 8-14% of the fatty acids of this oil. «It is a form of omega-6 whose metabolism could favor the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are anti-inflammatory compounds.»
Embargo of sin, a Recent systematic review He concludes that evidence is very heterogeneous and does not provide solid recommendations on the efficacy of onagra oil in inflammatory disorders. More high quality studies are needed to server more definitive conclusion and establish its efficient as a safe treatment option to relieve inframatory conditions.
Other rough acids
Approach another 10% is oleic acid (omega 9). «We also find traces of palmite and stearic acid (saturated fats).»
Regulatory of the menstrual cycle
One of the most frequent uses is to modulate the adverse effects of the rule, although evidence to moderate respect. “Some studies suggest that the GLA reduces the some symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as mastalgia (breast pain) or irritableness, by modulating the prostraglandin synthesis.
Menopause and perimenopause
Small studies indicate that onagra oil in menopause produces some improvement in hot flashes. «But systemmilated reviews (Cochrane) conclude that the evidence is limited and not superior to placebo.»
Skin and hair health
Taking onagra oil for the skin is another use that is usually suggested in herbalists and parapharmacies. Martínez Castro clarifies some concepts according to the cutaneous condition and evidence of treatment.
- Atypical Dermatitis/Eccema. The topical or oral gla
- Acne and psoriasis. This case is missing a robust scientific support.
- Hair. There are no studies that support its effectiveness. «The capillary fall usually requires multifactorial approaches,» he warns.
The route of application depends on the effect we want to achieve. “With a direct topical application on the skin or scalp, we get that the GLA strengthens the skin barrier and reduces water loss (emollient effect). The oral route, on the other hand, acts systemicamme, and could be useful for treating atopic eczema. ”
Fertility and reproductive health
The statements that onagra oil increases estrogens cannot be refused with evidence. «It is proposed that the GLA regulates hormones, such as prolactin or estrogen, but there are no conclusive clinical trials,» admits the smell.
Bone and articular health
- Rheumatoid arthritis. Some studies point out that inflammation could reduce. The effects, however, modest son compared to conventional drugs.
- Bones. No solid study links onagra oil with bone density.

How to take onagra oil and what dose
As in many other situations, Martínez Castro insists that, before adventurons to take supplements of any kind, “we must advise by a nutritionist dietitian specialized in this area. This professional must assess whether the supplement is necessary, since it can even be counterproductive. In addition, there are alternatives for the pathologies mentioned with greater scientific evidence. ”
In case the supplement is recommended, the dose ranges between 500 and 1,300 milligrams per day in 2 or 3 shots. «We know that it is better absorbed with food, but there is no consensus on the schedule,» warns the expert. The skin effects can take time between 3 and 6 months.
The Onagra oil pearls They are the most frequent commercial. “It is not a suitable oil for cooking. Its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (special environmental and la) make it thermolabil, that is, it oxidizes easy to high tempteratures, generating free radicals, Lobe has negative effects for our health. To use it for the kitchen, the recommendation would be to use it only cold (salads, milkshakes). «
Secondary effects of onagra oil
In some people onagra oil produces mild side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea or headache. “Other more serious can occur, such as the risk of interaction bleeding with anticoagulants. Even anecdotal seizures in person with epilepsy, although this assumption is not -contrasted.
What yes It is advisable is the consumption of onagra oil in the Emarazo.
Tips for buying a good onagra oil
Whether you want to take onagra oil for the face or apply onagra oil for rule discomfort, Martínez Castro gives us some tips to choose a good supplement:
- Cold extraction. To preserve your compose.
- GLA content. Find a minimum of 8-10%.
- Opaque container. Protects from oxidacy by light.
- Expiration date. Use within 6-12 months after opening.
The Aldi Council
If you are muddled or in breastfeeding period, always consult your doctor before giving supplements, even if they are of ‘natural’ origin.

Candela Martínez Castro. Dietitian-Nutricion specialized in gynecological and sports nutrition. It is graduated in human and dietary nutrition, a master’s degree in physical activity and sport and female hormonal health expert, fertility and aspects of Laujer’s extra-productive. Member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Instagram: @Sabequealimenta Facebook: knows what it feeds