8M: Construimos equidad, avanzamos en derechos

[Este es un manifiesto escrito por la Comisión de Equidad y Género de ISGlobal, en nombre de toda la institución, leído el viernes 7 de marzo ante las oficinas de Barcelona de la Calle Rosselló 132 y del Parque de Investigación Biomédica de Barcelona]

Today, March 7, we meet on the eve of March 8, International Women’s Day. Women’s. Of all. Workers, mothers, migrants, adolescents, caregivers, girls, housewives, sisters, grandmothers … all.

Today, on a day of union but also of struggle, vindication and sorority, we raised the voice to honor those who preceded us, all those women who, with courage and signature, surpassed constant barriers and challenges on the road to. Thanks to them we are here now. They conquered and defended rights that many of us exercise, enjoy and take for granted. Rights that should be inherent and universal for all people, but still still guaranteed for the more than 4,000 million women who inhabit this planet.

In this context, it is essential to recognize the advances made by the feminist movement thanks to its courage, force and implacable determination throughout the last century. But there is still a long way to go. It is our time to take the relay: there are rights to conquer and numerous abilities to address.

On a day like today, we claim equal rights in all areas. Because the gap is still abysmal. In our sector, only the 32% of scientific positions They are occupied by women; In clinical trials, the female representative is One woman for every four men; And since the Nobel creation, women have been awarded Less than 7% Of these awards.

Beyond the scientific field, women continue to face multiple forms of discriminacy, violence, oppression and silencing. He Crystal roof Continues to limit the professional growing of many of us; The lack of access to education continues to affect millions of girls worldwide; And the right to decide on our bodies and our reproductive health is still denied in numerous countries.

At the same time, in others, serious violations of our rights continue to be committed and unacceptable detrocessos are being planted. The advance of ultra -right, populist and reactionary ideologies in different countries is promoting speeches that undermine gender equality, minority rights and progress in social justice. In the United States, they have Suppressed federal diversity, equity and inclusion programsIt has Eradicated gender ideology And he has Restricted access to reproductive medical care. Scientific articles on sexual health, gender violence and other crying areas have been censored, multiple jobs have been suppressed, the use of Gender terminology In official documents it has been prohibited and various key executive orders in equity matters Revoked have been.

In Argentina, you really seek to end gender polyics and eliminate femicides of the Criminal Code. In Afghanistan, the sound of women’s voice It has been prohibited. In Iraq, child marriage This 2025 has been legalized. A worldwide, More than 2 million girls under five years old Son, in something, to mutilation, female genital every year and armed conflicts continue to use physical, psychological and sexual violence against women as a weapon of war. We do not forget the women of Congo, Syria, Haiti, Ukraine, Palestine, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Myanmar, Iran or Yemen. And these son just some examples.

Gender violence is still a silent pandemic that crosses borders and adopts multiple forms. From discrimination and systemic oppression to feminicide, all the violence mentioned son starts from a structure that continues to punish women for the simple fact of being. In Spain, twenty years after the Approval of the first law that protects a women in the face of gender violence and counts femicides, 1,296 women They have been killed. A worldwide, 1 in 3 women He has suffered or suffer some kind of gender violence throughout his life, and a woman or girl is murdered intention Every 10 minutes.

Today we reflect on the need to continue resisted and working for all women who, with suffering and resilience, have contributed and contributed fundamentally to more equitatua, diverse, presospperes and free community of decrimination

From Isglobal, we reaffirm our commitment to equality, gender equity and the fight against all forms of discrimination and violence against funerals. We joined the claims and the transformation agenda that plant the feminist movement, promoting initiatives that promotes: the Igeity of women within our institution; The equitable representation; The elimination of gaps; The visibility of the work of all women in science and society; The incorporation of the gender perspective in research, training and health; And the advance towards full recognition, exercised and enjoys the rights of all women in the world.

In the times we live, we cannot give anything for granted and we will not take a step back.

Today and every day is March 8.

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