Alimentos ricos en yodo para tu dieta

Ensuring proper iodine intakes is key to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. This mineral is, so to speak, the fuel required by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones, which are fundamental to regulate human metabolism. Aisa Niang, dietitian-nutritionist and member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, addresses the list of foods rich in iodine and how included in our diet.

What is iodine and why is it important for our health?

Iodine is Oligeelento key to our body. He intervened in the Érthesis of thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T₄), triiodotyronine (T₃) and calcitonin. The three regulate a good part of the functions of the prints for life, such as the regulatory regulation of calcium in Sanzre.

Many women will have seen that, as soon as it remains emarated, the doctor prescribes iodine supplements. The expert explains that in this way the healthy growth of the fetus is ensured. “Iodine is necessary for the formation of bones and that of the nervous system. Its deficit during gesture seocia spontan abortions, or delays in brain development«. Precisely by the latter it is so important also during breastfeeding and childhood, as a way to ensure cognitive function.

Being a direct manager with the thyroid, both an excess of iodine and defect produce produced problems related to these hormones. “The iodine deficit can cause hypothyroidism. But an excess can also cause it temporarily. This last phenomenon is called Wolff-Chaikoff effect, ”says Niang.

Photo: Louis Hansel in Unspash.

How to get the iodine that we need?

A variety of diet and salible that includes foods with iodine usually regular to ensure the intakes of Esteales. The recommended daily amount is 150 micrograms for adults and from 90 to 130 for children and respective adolescents.

If the diet is not enough, or at specific times of life with special needs, supplement may be necessary.

Foods containing iodine

Continuity, the expert facilitates a series of foods with a high percentage of iodine grouped by categories.

Fish and seafood

This section we find various foods of marine origin. They contribute between 20 and 160 micrograms of this mineral per 100 grams.

  • Molluscs: sepia, squid, octopus, clams, mussels, cockles …
  • Seafood: Cigalas, prawns, prawns …
  • Fish: mackerel, mere, herring, cod, perch …

Iodized salt

He Royal Decree 1424/1983 Detetine that the iodinated salt must contain 60 milligrams of iodine per kilogram of salt (that is, 60 micrograms per gram of salt). We can find it in any supermarket clearly because it is indicated in the labeling. «Although it seems a lot of iodine we must bear in mind that consumed salt in small quantities or pinch,» says Niang.

The advantage of iodized salt in the face of other foods is that it could be easily included in a regular basis to the diet. With the 5 grams of maximum recommended intake we cover 300 micrograms of iodine, much more than the recommended daily amount.

Lordcteos products

Cheese, milk and non -ecological yogurt son, after iodized salt and food of marine origin, son the richest source of iodine.

Example of contributions per 100 grams: whole milk (9 micrograms), natural entire yogurt (21 micrograms), cheese (4-30 micrograms).

Sea algae and their varieties

A child that algae (Nori, Kombu, Wakame) son the richest source of iodine, does not usually indicate its consumption to increase the level of iodine because “they are not part of the usual diet in Western. In addition, amounts of contains such high iodine that it can cause hyperthyroidism if its consumption prolongs, ”says dietitian-nutritionist.

The Japanese have very integrated products in their Sen diet that is a health problem. Niang emphasizes that “a person’s body also adapts to his food since he is in his mother’s womb. This allows you to metabolar those amounts of iodine, while that of Westerners, no. ”

The richest algae in iodine is the kombu. «One gram brings an average of 5,000 micrograms of iodine or, in other words, only 9 grams of kombu provide 240 times more than the recommended daily amount.» By ootro -LADLA, 1 gram of Wakame contains between 30 to 200 micrograms. We find the Nori algae, which only provides 9 micrograms. To consume foods despite the iodine they contain, the expert recommends boiling it. «In this way the iodine content is reduced considerable.»

Vegetables and iodine

The vegetables son foods with little or no iodine, since they depend a lot on the amount of the soil and the cultivation zone.

Iodized salt in a salt shaker is a food rich in iodine

Low foods in iodine

In general, the food of non -marine animals, as well as fruits, vegetables and foods a base of flour and legumes low -sided with iodine.

Does iodine appear in nutritional information labels?

European legislation does not demand that the amount of iodine appear, or any micronutrient. «However, it owes in that foods that have been enriched with iodine,» says Niang.

Factors that influence iodine levels in food

  • The part of the world in which animals are grown or raised because it depends on the amount of existing iodine the mares and the soils and feed given to animals
  • From the cooking technique: cooking, sea sea which always decreases the amount of iodine respect for raw food. Therefore, it is better to idrate the iodine salt at the end of cooking.
  • That is (or not) enriched with iodine, as in the case of iodized salt.
  • The storage. Iodine is also lost by evaporacia. The iodized salt must be stored in its well -closed bag not exposed to the air/light.

Specific diets relationships with iodine

High diet in iodine: When is it necessary?

Take food with iodine in the Emarazo, or, add iodine supplements, we have already seen that it is a usual guideline during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is also the usual recommendation when there is an iodine deficit that induces a Hypothyroidism By low intake of this mineral, as with people with goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland). “This is produced when in its diets of Piemo Defit de iodine and the organism, paramar the thyroid activity, increases the size of this gland. That is, suffering from goiter can be a sign of need an increase in iodine in the diet, ”says the smell.

In the case of autoimmune hypothyroidism it does not work to raise the intakes of iodine and you have to look for other clinical solutions.

Diet low in iodine: What is used?

The low iodine diet can be used to treat the hyperthyroidism. This situation occurs when hyperactivity of the thyroid gland that may be due to a unaja iodine intake or other causes. A low iodine diet should also be followed during radioactive iodine treatment due to thyroid cancer.

Weekly menu for a low iodine diet

In these cases it is important to «use salt without iodineAnd for power, a non -inflammatory environment, cooking and allying virgin and supplementary olive rabbit with Omega 3 due to limited fish consumption, «says the member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietary.

Intake Monday AZA Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast Whole wheat bread with avocado and olive oil. Tea or infusion. Roasted corn cerales (type corn flakes) with oat baby. Tea or infusion. Oats cooked in water with banana and cinnamon. Toasted bread without salt with grated tomato and olive oil. Tea or infusion. Fresh fruit (apple or persimon chaqui) and nuts without salt. Almendra drink Whole wheat bread with almond cream (without salt or sugar). Tea or infusion. Oatmeal with chia seeds, soybean drinks, strawberries and cinnamon.
Meal Canons salad with grilled turkey and asparagus. Apple. Integral rice with vegetables (peppers, onion). Grilled trout. Kiwi. Lentils floated with vegetables (carrot, celery, zucchini) Integral spaghetti with vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, tomato) and salmon. Pear. Lemon chicken with basmati rice and steamed broccoli. Cucumber salad. Baked apple. Chickpea stew with spinach, tomato and spices. Orange. Cuscous with vegetables (pepper, zucchini, eggplant). Pear.
Dinner Zucchini cream (without lordcteos). Clear tortilla with spinach. Quinoa salad (cherry, cucumber) and lemon Steamed artichokes with lemon. Baked chicken. Carrot cream with turmeric. Clear tortilla with mushrooms. Eggplants stuffed with minced meat and vegetables. Spinach sauteed with garlic. Grill chicken breast with lemon. Grated carrot salad with lemon and tortilla France and olive oil.

The Aldi Council

Iodine is not mineral that the apparent sole on the label of the nutritional information of packaged delights. If you have doubts, about how to ensure an adequate intake of this essential mineral, consult a single dietitian dietitian.

Aisa Niang Dietitian-Nutritionist

Aisa Niang. Member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. He has conducted women’s expert and fertility courses (2022) | Expert Nutrition and Advanced Clinical Nutrition Specialization Course (2019) at the Institute of Nutrition and Health Sciences (ICNS). Realmento works as online nutritionist dietitist and collaborates with two centers: active gynecologí and L’IQUIBRI Physiotherapy Center (Mallorca). Instagram: @isolaniag.nutrition. Facebook: @isolaniag.nutrition

Content endorsed by the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
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