Hidratación durante el ejercicio físico para un RENDIMIENTO óptimo ▶

Why do moisturacy be important?

During the exercise, the body loses water through sweat. This can affect the equilibrium of electrolytes and cause dehydration which not only reduces performance. You can also raise the feeling of tiredness and the possibility of muscles cramps.

On the side, water helps a regular temperature, transport and toxins delete. Thus, when the body does not have enough liquid, the heart works more for bombing. And, consequently, the muscles receive less oxygen, which makes physical effort difficult.

How much water do you need real?

Hydration thesis varies according to the intensity of the exercise, the duration and the climatic conditions. Sin embargo, some hay general recommendations that can guide:

  • Before atrenar, it is recommended to drink between 400 and 600 ml of water about 30 minutes before starting.
  • During the exercise, the ideal is to consume between 150 and 250 ml every 15-20 minutes, specially if you sweat a lot.
  • At the end, replenishing lost liquids is key: a good references is to drink 500 ml for every kilo of lost weight after the activity.

Only water or electrolytes?

In short and low intensity atreials, water is usually sufficient to maintain hydration. However, when the exercise is prolonged or very intense, the sweating It can cause a significant loss of sodium, potassium and mineral another.

In these camos, isotonnic beverages can be an ouena option. The reason? They help replenish lost electrolytes and maintain water balance. You can also opt for natural sources such as coconut water or add a pinch of salt to your water bottle if the atreial session has been demanding.

Common mistakes when moisturizing

Many people do not give atangua Hydration during physical exerciseIt can affect your performance.

1. One of the most common mistakes is to drink only when the feeling of thirst appears. And they are a sign that there is already a certain degree of dehydration, so best anticipated and drink regularly.

2. Another error is the excessive esuse of sugary bidas. Many commercial options contain high sugar levels that can generate glucose peaks and affect digestion during abandonment.


Hydratacia according to the type of atreial

Lasades of Hydration during physical exercise They can change depend -the type of activity you do. In strength or muscular sessions, it is recommended to drink water between series to avoid muscle fatigue and improve recovery.

In resistance sports such as running or cycling, sudraaciós greater, so it is essential to maintain constant hydrate with small water shots or isotonnic beans. If you practice yoga or pilates, although the cardiovascular demand without a high sea brown, drinking enough water before and descends later helps to maintain flexibility and prevent cramps.

Hydration and recovery

After opening, he replenished lost liquids is as important as the exercise session itself. Thus, in addition to drinking water, you can complementary with foods rich in water and electrolytes, such as fresh fruits, soups or nals.

The objective is to restore the water balance of the body and help muscle regeneration. Therefore, if you have intense atreial, it combines hydrate with a balanced meal that includes proteins and carbohydrates for better recovery.

What happens if you don’t hydrate well?

When the body does not receive enough water, the effects feel quickly: dizziness, early fatigue, headache and difficulty concentrate. If dehydration is severe, it can also generate a performance drop and awaken the risk of heat blows.

A muscle level, the shortage of liquids makes recovery difficult, increases the risk of cramps and reduction residence capacity. Therefore, take care of the Hydration during physical exercise It is not only a recommendation, but a need for need to release safely and effectively.

Hydrate well with Eurofitness

Hydratacia is key to open with energy and without risks. In Eurofitness, we help you stay in motion with quality facilities and atrenators that guide you in each session. Remember that a good hydrate enhances your yield and protected your health. Discover more, and start to wear better.

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