Ejercicios acuáticos ▶ entrena sin impacto y mejora tu SALUD

Why bewanding in water is an idea

Making in the pool has many advantages. To begin with, water reduces the sob impact -joints, which makes the ideal sea for people with discomfort or simply want to move without injuries. In addition, the natural resistance of water forces the muscles to work more, which leads to the intensity of the need to use weights or mycin.

Another point in favor is the sensation of lightness that is inside water. The movements are more fluid, fatigue is lower and, at the end, the body feels more relaxed. It is no accident that many characters choose the Aquotic exercises tensions for relieved, Improve posture and reduce stress.

For whom the recommended child the aquecical exercises?

The best thing about this type of atreial is that anyone can do it. Older people, emarazed women, recovery athletes, or simple who seek a different way of open can be benicated from water. It is also perfect if you want other atreials complementary, since it improves mobility, resistance and coordination.

If what you are looking for is an entire exercise but without an impact, here are a Option that will not disappoint you. And the best thing is that you do not need to be an expert swimmer: there are many ways to atrenar in the water Sen get into the deepest.

Easy and effective aquicy exercises

If you think what to do in the pool is just swimming from one place to another, you are very wrong. There are many ways to open without the need for remer long meters. Here are some movements that you can try:

The Water squats Son an excellent way to strengthen legs and buttocks. Water resistance makes the exercise more intense, but without overloading the knees. You can also try the latal displacements, walking or jumping from undo to another to improve coordination and strength.

Another exercised very effective pedaling in flotacia. Simulating the movement of a bicycle while floats helps you work your leg and the nucleus, in addition to improving cardiovascular resistance. If you are looking for a challenge for the top of the body, try to push and pull water with brazes, or use small aquás weights for, resistance resistance.

How to improve resistance with water

If yours is cardio, hay options also for you. Walking or running inside water is an incredible way of Improve resistance without suffering impacts. In addition, swimming is one of the most complete sports, it already works the whole body and improves lung capacity.

Another interesting option is aquatic cucucuritos. Combining exercises such as jumps, kicks and displacements will maintain your high heart rate and make each session more dynamic. If you are looking to open with more intensity, you can incorporate accessories such as flotation tabas or elastic bands designed for water.

How to combine the water in the water against activities

Loss Aquotic exercises Son a perfect complement to any type of atreial. You can alternate with strength sessions in the gym to balance your routine and Eviter the repetitive imact. Or you can also combine them with yoga or pilates to improve mobility and stability.

If you like to attenar in a group, there are many classes directed in the water that can make the experience even more fun. Activity like Acuagym or scrutch in the permission of the atrenar intensity while following the instructions of an instructor.

Open in water with Eurofitness

If you want to try the Aquotic exercises and discover all your benefits, in Eurofitidad You have the best facilities and classes led by professionals. No matter your level, there is always an option for you.

Come an atrenar with us and enjoy water as never before. Find your closest club, and start today!

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