In the last decades, the dictation of the scale has blocked a part of society a demonizing theories. It has been normalized to associate very energy with poor food for health. Embarrassed sin, calories solo The energy potential of a food. Line sea more or less salible does not depend on corhories, but on the quality and amount of nutrients that it gives us. Moreover, there are high and healthy foods. In this article we will review 5 high foods in calories and healthy.
What son dwell them?
A calorie (lime) is the energy unit in terms of heat. Corresponding to the amount of heat energy needed atum 1ºC the temperature of 1 milliliter (ml) of water in controlled conditionals.
In Nutrition it indicates the Energy charging of food, that is, how much energy it provides us.
It is a small relative value, so the Kilocaloria (Kcal) multiple is usually used, which is equivalent to 1,000 calories. This important concepts keep it in mind because normal when we read about the calories of this or that alimimus, or if such a dish tubs so many calories, in reality, what is indicating to us are the kilocalories. However, the term calorie is so widespread that it is used to use as a synonym, even if not sea.
In the nutritional labeling, its equivalent in mechanical energy is expressed, July (J). A calorie is equivalent to 4,186 joules. And in the same way as with theories, it is expressed in multiples of a thousand, that is, the kilojulio (kj).
How can we really know how many calories have an food?
To know the calories and other nutrients of a convoluted food convoil: saber saber how to read nutritional labels. In fresh bulk foods, you would have to consult food composition tabas.
Calories of processed foods
In the obligation nutritional labeling of the container, manufacturers inform of the kilocalories (Kcal) and their equivalent in kilojustos (kJ) of one food per 100 grams or 100 milliliters. «They can also get us Calories by portion or rationindicating the estimated size of each portion and the number of portions contained in the container. The size of the portion was established by the manufacturer and varies according to food and manufacturers. It is expressed in grams, milliliters, units or a combination of these. For example, a portion of cereals could be 30 grams, while a portion of a replicero could -being 250 milliliters, ”he says Inés Farré, Dietitian-Nutritionist and food labeling technician in Aldi Spain.
Learn to read nutritional labels and Respect the recommended rations It is key to not falling into the trap of believing that ‘there are healthy foods that fattens a lot’. Dietitians-nutritionists insist: foods neither fattening, nor lose weight. Winning or losing weight will depend, above all, on the total of concentrated calories and the physical activity of each personality, enter other factors.
Calories of fresh food
Frequent bulk foods “are not sold with a label with nutritional information indicating the energy value. However, we can consult it in the Food composition tables or on websites and specialized mobile applications«, Recalls Farré. A Fabilia source for Asuda is the Bedca (Spanish Food Composition Database) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
When fresh foods are presented in this minimum processed and packaged, such as cut and peeled fruits; Frozen vegetables, meats or fish; Bag vegetables … The labeling can also indicate calories.

Examples of healthy foods and with many calories
These foods, common in our berefish, have many calories. But they are also loaded with very interesting nutrients for our health, such as healthy thickness, vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein proteins and bioactives.
1. Extra virgin olive oil (Aove)
Without a doubt, he is the king of the calmer foods. It brings 888 kilocalories per 100 grams. It may seem a barbarity, but if we take into account that the recommended ration is 10 milliliters, and that a Mediterranean type food can include 4 tablespoons/day, that is, about 40 grams, its contribution would reach up to 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 .
A change, this food provides us with vitamin EY monoinsaturated fatty acids and bioactive substances such as polyphenols that take care of our cardiovascular health.
2. Nuts
Nuts often lead food lists with healthy calories. And there is no reason: they have a high fat content, which can suppose more than half of their weight (among the 48 grams of the pistachio). In this case, it must be taken into account that the recommended ration is the handful of about 20-30 grams, which moderates quite the chorories that we can ingest.
Nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios … in addition to many antioxidant phytochemical pistachos).
3. Blue fish
Also called ‘fatty fish’, precisely because they have an mayor component of healthy fatty acids, such as the famous Omega 3 (EPA and DHA). Sardina, jurel, mackerel, salmon, tuna … have more calories than white fish, but help us take care of our cardiovascular health due to their contribution of unsaturated fats.
4. Aguacato
Despite being a fruit, of every 100 grams of avocado that we ingest, 15 grams Son Fatas, mostly monounsaturated, hence the Aguacato intake should be taken into account in the total compo of fat daily. . Without forgetting that it also provides us with fiber, potassium, manganese, vitamins E, B6, ky folic acid.
5. Cheese
Cheeses are usually included in the ‘healthy food that fattens’ and clarifying convention. Not all cheeses have the same percentage of gauze. Cured cheeses have more fat and, therefore, more calories, while fresh cheeses have less fat and less calories. The recommended rations within a healthy diet for the fresh lossos are about 80 grams, and about 40 grams for the cured. This food group is a source of calcium and vitamins D and A, but also of salt.
This should be taken into account so as not to arrive at 5 grams of salt daily in the total diet. Thus, the recommendation goes through Choose fresh cheeses Before cured, but do not exclude.
The Aldi Council
Remember that in order to collect the important thing is not to count calories, but to consume a wide variety of foods and that the macro and micronutrients that we need.

Inés Farré. Dietitian-Nutritionist and Food Technologist. He has experience in the retail sector as its own brand technician (Condis Supermercats) and Realmenta as food labeling technician in Aldi Spain. Inés works with great passion for the world of food and is committed to quality and innovation in the sector.