Etiquetas de información nutricional en una dieta saludable

Do you ever have a read the label of a product before putting it in the purchase car? If the answer is yes, you are part of the 85% of Spanish and Spanish that review the nutritional information of food before buying themAccording to the Survey on Nutrition and Sports Habits in Spain Made by Aldi. And it is not for less: to know Queber what comes from Teyuda to take more informed decys, maintain a salible diet, in many cases, an avoidant ingredients that do not want or can consume.

Back decisions for a healthier purchase

Nutritional labels son an essential tool, they already allow the composition of the products and options to choose according to the Aldi study, 9 out of 10 people that conscientious son of the calories they ingestwhich demonstrates the relationship between information and well -being. In addition, the 56% of those who carry detailed control of their caloric intake Always check the labels before buyingA fact that reflects the importance of this resource for those who seek to solve a more salary diet.

A matter of food security: allergies and intolerance

Beyond caloric and nutritional control, product labeling plays a fundamental role in the Food security, Special for those who have allergies or intolerant. Ingredients such as gluten, lactose or nuts can cause adverse reactions if they are not detected in time in products.

Therefore, having clear and accessible information in the essential labeling to avoid risks and ensure that each person can adapt their food to their species needs. Transparency in labeling is not only a matter of health, but also of tranquility for consumers.

Review information labels nuts fundamental nuts in healthy and safe eating.

ALDI and his commitment to transparent labeling: clear, understandable and accessible

Knowing what you get is the first step to lead a healthier life. And in Aldi, we want to continue accompanying our customers on the way, offering them clear information and products that help them maintain a food and salible and adapted to their needs.

For more information on consumption and nutrition habits in Spain, consult the Survey on Nutrition and Sports Habits in Spain Made by Aldi.

#Etiquetasnutrioncionales #compraconscious #Saldable #aldi

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