El derecho a voto de las personas con atención a la diversidad

Recently, a manifesto congregated the constitutional of the court in Madrid to claim that the right to vote of people with attention to diversity is guaranteed, as renewed wwww.solidaridadigital.es.

From adimir, we are working with the families of the users who are reaching the age of majority, the issue of the processing of the incapacitated of our children or, said in a less aggressive way, the extension of their patra power.

This process is a measure of protection for personality with the diversity that the government of its own life and heritage cannot make solar decisions.

But at no time, this measure -which is always applied under the supervision of a judge -can deny personality with diversity his right to suffrage (or vetooo).

The disabled person, as a full citizen, must have the same opportunity as the rest of the population. That includes the right to vote, if you want, just like any other citizen.

One of the users of the Montcada Caid, who is of legal age and whose parents have their parental authority, has already voted in doscasions, and we must say that he enjoys the entire process. The judge who failed her disability, reconciled this right.

May your example serve to encourage other relatives to think about the laws, and that this is never in question!

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