The characteristic director of a weight gain diet consists of Aurmar the calories, ensuring a correct contribution of macro and micronutrients, in the quantity are adequate and adapted to the energy expenditure of the individual, using foods with a profile. A effort that, without the proper tools and monitoring, can result in dangerous health. However, with good advice, it is possible to climb kilos in a healthy way, avoiding heavy digestions and consuming all essential nutrients.
Because when the goal is to add kilos, the easiest way (and mistake) is to resort to food loaded with sugar and saturated fats. UN error that can put health at risk. We show you how to do it safely.
Why does a person need to gain weight?
In a world where obesity is talked about as the great epidemic of our time, shocking result that there are people who do not seek to lose weight, but deliberately want ingorders. They have no choice but to consume more calories than they spend, but in a healthy way. When the objective is to add kilos, the easiest way (and mistake) is to do it crazy, without the advice of a dietitian-nutritionist and use food loaded with sugar and saturated fats. Severe UN error that can put health at risk.
It’s not about devouring chocolate bars, cakes, ice cream or bags of fried potatoes as if there were no man. Moreover, it is equally advisable as when you want to lose weight, or when simple you want to whistle a salary diet. People who need or want to gain weight have to do it with all nourishment guarantees.
The robot portrait of the person who needs to gain a few kilos is, according to the dietitian-nutritionist Laura Ibáñez, a member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “a person the person who has lost weight after a infermence, nutrition and nutrition and Dietetics, “a person has lost weight after a deferramead ,, nutrition and dietary,“ a persons has lost weight after a deferramedad, by the the Elsotics and the dietary, “a person who has lost weight after unnefermence, the nutritionic and DIETER. Drugs, or that has gone through an operation and wants to recover its normal weight. But it can also be a person who wants to gain muscular mass. ”
How to gain weight in a healthy way?
It is easy to ask how it has to be a diet to gain weight salable. And the immediate response are 5 essential keys:
- Professional advice with a dietitian-nutritionist
- High protein content
- Calories appropriate to physical activity
- Balanced diet varied
- Accompanied by physical exercise controlled by an ator
1. Diet designed and controlled by a dietitian-nutritionist
The dietitian-nutritionist is the indicated professional to modify energy contributions without health problems. Get in weight without consulting with professionals «can lead to failure, or awaken the risk of cardiovascular feator, diabetes and even some types of cancer.»
2. Rich in proteins
Ideally, combine proteins of animal origin (such as egg, turkey, chicken, low cuts in red meat, fish and shelves, wireless lords) with foods in proteins of plant origin (legume, dried fruits, tofu or soybean TexurizaDadadurizized. ).
3. Calories according to physical activity
Respect for the number of calories, Laura Ibáñez says that «it will depend on the energy expenditure of the person.»
4. It is not a ‘everything is worth’ for sugars and fats
The Healthy fats They play a role matters in this tupo of Dieda. «As the WHO marks, hay, to record that fats should not exceed 30% -35% of the total nutrient of the diet, the unsaturated source,» Aseguura Ibáñez.
On the side, want to take a few kilos There is no meaningful sugar bar. The dietitian-nutritionist highlights that «we must round the intake of simple sugars and, with respect to carbrocono hydrates (HC), asesture that come from intelligent cereals (rice, quinoa, pasta, oatmeal), fruits and vegetables.»
Finally, do not forget a correct fiber contribution.
5. Physical exercised by unnenator
If physical activity is always important, the more at a time when we are going to modify our body compose.
Tricks to add calories to the menu without playing health
The expert lists some tips or truquitos of dietitian-nutritionist for meals to increase their energy contribution, but within healthy marks.
- Add chopped or crushed protein sources in vegetable dishes, salads, sauces, soups or creams
- Add protein sources such as filling in tortillas, potatoes, eggplants or zucchini to the hino
- Add whole yogurt to fruits, cereals and salad salads
- Add powdered milk to first dishes such as purés or creams
- Add a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
- Having alimess with high caloric value, such as nuts to chop between hours
- Avoid the consumption of skimmed foods, low in calories or light and what they provide little energy in a large volume such as broths, infusions or lettuce salads

Errors to avoid to take weight safely
Attention to the ultraprocessed
HEO error is easy to commit in a diet to gain weight: «surrender» to ultraprocess food. “The problem of intake of saturated fats and trans fats presents in this type of food, in addition to that they are not healthy and entail a health risk, it is that its consumption will lead to the person to make less legume intakes, ,,,,,, cerales, vegetables, fruits and protein source ”.
Be a bit of
In the same way that it is not advisable to lose weight fulminantly, the gain of kilos must also be done constantly and within a routine that implies some changes in habits, but I know that introduction will be gradually introduced.
Exercise opens the appetite
When we seek to climb import pesos, combine the hypercaloric diet with the prathic of the trust exercise, which must be personalized for each case. It must focus, above all, exercises of intensity and strength to rip the muscle mass.
One of the benicious side effects of regular sport practice is that it also opens appetite.
Want to eat more at each meal
In a person health
To deceive these mechanisms, in addition to making the main meals, when weighing weight you will add more intakes per day. Thus, next to the three great meals (breakfast, food and dinner) you can interleate high density snacks Calorica and get to 6 meals a day.
The Aldi Council
It is normal for our weight oscill according to physical activity or what we eat throughout the weeks. If your goal is to lower or raise weight by modifying your diet, always put into a dietitian-nutritionist.

Laura Ibáñez. Dietitian-Nutritionist and member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, member of the Professional College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of Aragon and member of the group of clinical nutrition specialists. The diploma in human and dietary nutrition from the University of Zaragoza with Erasmus scholarship in the Public Health Program of the University of Kuopio (Finland). Es-Master in Nutrition, Exercise and Public Health from the University of Bristol (England) and a doctoral student in the Health and Sports Sciences Program of the University of Zaragoza. Currently, he works as dietitian-nutritionist in hospitals and residences.