¿Vitamina D baja? Esto es lo que tienes que comer

Vitamin D, Hydrocolecciferol or 25-hydroxi vitamin D is easily synthesized at the skin from the sun’s rays. Reality, however, tells us that we spend more time more time in interior spaces where it barely gives us the light of the Sol, not to mention the relationship between excess ultraviolet radiation and melanoma. Without extra extra Much of the population has vitamin D lowWith important consequences for health.

This lack of vitamin D can partly supply with the diet, whether they are native foods rich in this vitamin, such as those fortified (that is, the industry adds artificially that liposoluble vitamin). Here the key is to know which of them is in greater quantity and introper them in the diet.

What vitamin Dy what are its functions in the body?

We are facing a liposolble vitamin, that is, fat soluble. It is stored in the liver and other fatty tissues of the body, that is, it is not eliminated like other vitamins through urine.

An intestinal level and the formation of bones and teeth are printed for calcium absorption. Its form of acting is as follows: in the spindle the vitamin D stimulates the activity and the formation of osteoblasts (bone cells).

The same, it is very important to ensure the integrity of the muscular system and immune function, so to prevent pathological alterations that may derive from an altered immune function.

How to obtain vitamin Dy why the sun is not very useful?

Since the world is world, humans have synthesized 80-90% of simple vitamin D extinguishing in the sun. And it is not necessary that sea lying back and forth for hours under the star King, practical that, by ootro -Loado, involves an important risk of developing skin cancer. According to the station where we are and the inclination of the solar rays, About 15-20 minutes a day from April to October to recharge the deposits of this vitamin.

Paradoxy, despite living in a country with many hours of sun, our levels similar to those of the population of Central Europe or Scandinavia. Several prevalence studies ensure that more than 50% of Spaniards have a lack of vitamin D, a percentage that rises to 80% in the house of the elderly.

We have food with vitamin D with which we can alleviate those shortcomings. But, as we will see, it is not always enough.

What is considered as a low vitamin D level?

Dietitian-Nutritionist Laura Moya, a member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, explains that “it is considered extremely low Blood levels less than 20 ng/ml. A LOW Vitamin D level is considered the concentrations of some between 20-30 ng/ml and the optimal levels are between 40-60 ng/ml ”.

Despite the evidence that we do not meet the requirements of this vitamin, there is no consensus among the scientific community about when to recommend supplementation. «Some professionals who consider the supplement supplement when you have a moderate deficit, others only when the levels of less than 20 ng/ml,» says Moya. For example, the United States Institute of Medicine proposes values ​​for the general population healthy over 20 ng/ml, while the International Osteoporosis Foundation defines it for Pacientos patients above 30 ng/ml.

Causes of Vitamin D Low

Low sun exposure

“You have to do it for at least 15 minutes (Brazos, face and neck) a day and, dependent on the season, the grade the northern hemisphere, while winter is the worst moment due to incidence and hours of light). Respect for latitude, the more cosca you are in Ecuador, it will be easier to acquire it. ”

Certain diseases or drugs

«They can influence disease quotes, such as obesity, intestinal absorption problems (celiachy and in cases of bariatric surgeries, especially with bypass) or renal pathologies that alter alter the metabolization of vitamin D,» he lists in the alternate. . In addition, it can also influence the taking of certain drugs that favor their jugs, such as glucocorticoids and anti -convulsive.


As we age, we synthesize it worse. As a consequence, we also lose ability to assimilate calcium. «It is also more accurate to acquire it in cases of high pigmentation people, since pigmentation pigmentation a protection barrier against the sun’s rays,» says Moya.

Use of photoprotectors

«They act from barrier to the sun, but at the same time they are necessary to avoid hyperpigmentations, premature aging and skin cancer, especially if an exposure is made in the epochs of older older than greater than the rays of the of the delos» . It is not about not using the photoprotector, but I did give it a margin with great caution. For example, in its April and October (the best months to acquire vitamin D) You can leave the street protection in the nearby hours at noon leaving 25% of the body (hands, face, brazers) exposure to the sun .

The food

20% of this vitamin arrives through food. A bad absorbed of these foods or a low diet in foods rich in vitamin D can favor its deficiency. Eros data, however, you have to understand them taking into account that the percentage we obtain due to food is small respect for what is obtained by the sun’s rays.

How to have vitamin D deficiency affects

This vitamin is related to osteoarticular health, since it helps to fix calcium in the bones. But it is not his only function. The expert lists other functions that can be committed by low levels of vitamin D.

The first is the normal functions of the cardiovascular system, that is, of the heart. It can also affect the proper functioning of the immune system. Having adequate levels of vitamin D Reduction the risk of infections, “or at least can improve its prognosis. It also reduces the incidence of autoimmune of cooling, such as type I diabetes, inflammatory intestinal cooling, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, «says the expert.

How to detect that we have vitamin D low?

More than symptoms, Laura Moya speaks of already obvious signs related to very low extreme levels of vitamin D. «We are talking about diseases such as rickets in children, osteomalacia and mayor of mayor of osteoporosis risk. In general, the vitamin D deficiency is usually asymptomatic and of apparent symptoms very nonspecific son and differ from Dele -relant directive with vitamin D deficiency, «he says.

The way of knowing our vitamin D levels is rEalize an analytical of Sgricre.

Vitamin D deficit treatment

The treatment consists of the supplementAlong with sufficient intake of foods rich in vitamin D, and sun exposure.

Cod liver oil pills to prevent vitamin D

Food with which to ensure good levels of vitamin D

Very few foods contain vitamin D. Above all, we have to look at fatty foods. “The recommended thing is to choose that of good profile that can be consumed daily, such as lórcteos or eggs. The butter, the liver or other vácera provide us with this vitamin, but they have a less salible nutritional profile. With the aim of reaching the maximum levels that can be achieved with food, these Mencos Mencos products are also important, the recommended weekly fatty fish, eat salmon, sardine, boquerenes and their deards, «he advises.

Despite this, it is pleased to acquire the optimal levels through the diet. «That is why the consumption of cod liver oil can be interesting or, such as lórcteos and breakfast cereals.»

Loss Fortified foods They indicate in their labeling the amount of calcium added per 100 grams or 100 ml. It is usual, for example, in some skimmed milks and in vegetable bidas. Vegans must take into account that this vitamin of plaster can be of animal or plant origin.

It is easy to recognize in the labeling: vitamin D3 is almost always of animal origin (it is extracted from fish or wool), only in a few cases it is marketed D3 synthesized porrel. Vitamin D2, on the other hand, is extra of yeasts and mushrooms.

The Aldi Council

Before the suspicion of having vitamin D down, consult a doctor to prescribe some Sanzre analysis assessing the levels of that vitamin. In case of minor deficiencies your dietitian-nutritionist will help you select the best food sources.

Laura Moya Nutritionist Dietitian

Laura Moya. Graduated in human and dietary nutrition from the University of Valladolid, Master in Safety and Food Biotechnologies by the University of Burgos, with certification of anthropometrist level I, by the ISAK, Certification, Physiological Certificate, Instrenamient and Nutrition Non -Level, by i isak, certifies , certifies Physiology, instanamient in digestive by Cinusa, reference clinic in Spain in digestive nutrition and research in private umbito. He is a member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Realmenal works in private consultation in Valladolid (DKV Health Space) and Palencia (Recoletas Group). Web: https://laramoyadietistanutritionista.com/. Instagram: @nutri_lauramoya Facebook: @nutrilauramoya

Content endorsed by the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
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