Guía para comprar productos frescos de temporada

Dietitians-nutritionists never tire of repeating that The simplest way to have a healthy diet is to base our diet on fresh productsinstead of filling the pantry only with processed foods. So much the better if, in addition to being fresh, we try to make sure that they are seasonal products.

Fresh and seasonal are not the same

fresh product

The concept of fresh food It includes those that have not been subjected to transformation, although it is possible that they have been cleaned, cut or hulled, to give an example of processes that minimally affect food. In this group we find fruits, vegetables, nuts, all meats, cereal grains and their flour, fish and shellfish, or eggs. It would also include all of the above once refrigerated, frozen or deep frozens.

Milk is the only fresh food that cannot be marketed as is, although in some areas, raw milk from certified farms is marketed under very controlled marketing conditions. The closest thing to fresh milk is pasteurized milk. Pasteurization consists of heating it to a temperature between 55 and 75° C for 17 seconds. This process does not eliminate all possible pathogens, which is why it is sold refrigerated, even if it is not opened.

seasonal product

he seasonal product It is one that arrives on the market coinciding with its actual season according to the geographical area where it is sold. In other words, a mandarin will be a seasonal product in Spain from the end of autumn to the end of winter. It will not be in season if we find it in August, although it will be in season on the continent of origin.

PHOTO: Zen Chung on Pexels.

How do you know if it is seasonal?

The importation of fruits from other continents and the increase in greenhouse crops make it increasingly difficult to identify seasons in the strict sense, that is, outdoor cultivation.

To help the ordinary citizen, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, through the initiative Food from Spainpublished years ago a’fruit and vegetable calendar with the fruit and vegetables seasonal. In addition, each month take advantage of social networks to remember which ones are in season, whether they are fall products, spring products or seasonal products only in winter.

Keys to choosing fresh fruits and vegetables

Miquel Subirà, Category Manager at Aldi Central de Compras, recognizes that “normally, for reasons of historical commercial relations, competitiveness and price, in Spain the majority of products that are usually processed are usually of national origin. In these cases it is usually seasonal and when it is from overseas or from another origin, it is usually because the campaign in Spain has ended.»

To illustrate this argument, turn to an easy-to-visualize example. “At the beginning of spring we will find blueberries from Huelva. Later comes the Segovia blueberry. After the summer, however, the overseas campaign will begin, so when we find a blueberry in stores it will be from Chile, Peru or South Africa. This tells us that the national campaign – or the temporality of the product in Spain – has ended.” Just because it is from a distant country does not mean that it has worse quality, or less nutritional value. You simply have to keep in mind that it has a larger carbon footprint and that, usually, its price is higher.

As we have already explained on more occasions, the The label gives us a clue to where the product we have in our hands is from.. “We see the origin of the food on the store sign or on the box label. It is a mandatory legal requirement for the producer,” says the expert.

PHOTO: Dan Cristian Padure on Unsplash.

Essential tips for buying meat, fish and seafood

If we buy the product already packaged in containers, just look at the expiration date and do not break the cold chain when taking home. That is, put it immediately in the refrigerator.

In the event that we understand in bulk, we must follow some simple guidelines:

  • red meat: look for pieces or cuts with a bright red tone, without dark spots or bad odors.
  • Birds: the meat should have a slightly pinkish hue, even with white veins. Reject those with darkened, grayish areas or dry appearance.
  • Fish: reddish gills, bright and not sunken eyes, smooth and shiny appearance.
  • eggs: no visible breaks in the shell.

Tips to save money when buying fresh foods

Well versed in how the food products market works, Subirà leaves us some home economics tips to get the most out of fresh produce without paying more.

  • Buy in season. “The fruit and vegetable market is a market of perfect competition. “That means supply always matches demand and prices are set based on the market.”
  • Attend to each year’s harvest. A year of frost, hail or little rain can reduce the harvest. On the other hand, good weather will give abundant harvests. Both factors affect the final price we pay at the fruit store. “In times of good production, prices will drop and generate opportunities for those clients who know how to identify them. On the other hand, when there are factors that alter production and there is little availability, prices will rise.” Illustrate this with an example: if it rains a lot during the cherry harvest season, less will reach the market and that will increase its price.
  • Know consumer habits. There are foods whose consumption is very linked to a certain time of the year (grapes on New Year’s Eve, sea bream, hake or lamb at Christmas…) or to certain routines. “The case of melon and watermelon is in high demand when the weather is good, but less is consumed if the weather is bad. If there are many days of rain in a row, producers will find themselves with a large stock that will force them to lower prices.”

The Association for the Promotion of the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables “5 a day” always insists on consuming at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily (ideally, at least 3 of fruit and 2 of vegetables), but Don’t get hung up on it being one in particular. The Mediterranean diet offers more than enough alternatives to find some variety at a good price at any time of the year.

Family eats fresh products in the field
PHOTO: Rdne on Pexels.

Strategies to ensure the freshness of your purchases at home

There is no doubt about meat and fish: they should always be put in the refrigerator.

When it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables, there are some variations. “As a general rule, the ideal is to respect the temperatures that we have seen in the store. If a product has been in the refrigerator (cherries, grapes…) we will keep it in the refrigerator. On the other hand, tropical fruits (mango, banana) are better left outside because they are very sensitive to cold and become damaged,” he explains. “If you are not sure if the product is a chamber product (apple, pear…) my advice is to put it in the refrigerator. “This way we will extend its useful life.”

The ALDI Council

Update your favorite recipes month by month to incorporate seasonal products. You will have a more varied diet and you will better adjust to what the market offers!

Miquel Subira ALDI

Miquel Subira. Category Manager at Aldi Central Shopping. He has been a fruit purchasing manager for 7 years.

Content endorsed by the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
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