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The resistance exercises They are perfect for toning the body without gaining too much volume. It is a way to stay in shape and have healthy muscles and joints. Try these:

Jump squats

Jump squats are a dynamic version of traditional squats, perfect for toning your legs and glutes without adding bulk. By adding jumping, you also work on explosiveness, which improves cardiovascular endurance. An appropriate routine may be to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions. This exercise is not only effective for toning, but it will also help you burn calories quickly.

side plank

The side plank is excellent for strengthening and toning the core muscles, especially the obliques. By holding your body weight in a lateral position, you work on isometric resistance, perfect for improving stability and avoiding injuries. Perfect to complete with other basic exercises!

The way to do it is very simple: hold the position for 30 seconds on each side and repeat 3 times. In addition to toning your abdomen, this exercise also improves your balance and stability.

walking strides

Walking lunges are perfect for toning your legs and glutes while improving your endurance. By performing this exercise in motion, you involve more muscle groups and maintain a constant pace, which promotes fat burning without adding volume. In addition, it will help you improve your balance. Do 3 sets of 20 steps, alternating legs.

Incline push-ups

Incline push-ups are a gentler version of classic push-ups, but equally effective for toning your arms, chest, and shoulders. They are a perfect exercise for those people who are starting out in the fitness world. By raising your hands on a surface, you reduce the load on your muscles, working more on resistance than volume. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

leg raises

Now let’s work the lower abdomen and hip muscles. Leg raises help tone without gaining volume, since they are based on slow and controlled movements that strengthen muscles without hypertrophy. Lie on your back, raise your legs together until they form a 90-degree angle and lower them slowly without touching the floor. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Rowing with elastic bands

Rowing with elastic bands is excellent for working your back, arms and shoulders. The elastic bands It provides controlled resistance, ideal for those looking to tone without gaining muscle mass, you will just have to find some bands with the resistance that is most suitable for you. Sit with your legs straight, hold the band at both ends and pull it towards your chest. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions. This exercise improves your posture and strengthens your back muscles in a balanced way.

glute bridge

The glute bridge is perfect for toning the glutes and back of the legs without adding bulk. By lifting your hips and keeping them in an elevated position, you continuously activate your muscles, which promotes toning. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions, holding the elevated position for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself down.


Climbers are a full-body exercise that combines cardiovascular work with resistance. They help tone the arms, abdomen and legs, and it is also one of the most used for resistance. Get into a plank position and alternate your knees toward your chest as quickly as possible for 30 seconds. Do Series 3. Do you feel capable?

Biceps curl with elastic bands

Don’t forget the arms. The biceps curl with elastic bands is a perfect option. The moderate resistance of the bands allows you to work your arm muscles without generating hypertrophy. Hold the band with both hands and step on the center to create tension. Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions, focusing on movement control to maximize results.

Ultimately, these resistance exercisesAs you have seen, it depends a lot on using a load that is not too large and also having the appropriate material. If you want to focus your training on other objectives, do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you get in shape the way you choose.

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