Ejercicios para fortalecer el core ➽ LOS MEJORES

Let’s review the main exercises to strengthen the core. Its usefulness goes far beyond getting abs of steel. We are all interested!

The importance of training the core.

In the world of fitness and personal training, the use of terms from English is very common. This is the case of the nucleus, whose textual meaning is center or nucleus. What matters to us now is its application in this training context.

And here, core is the name of the muscle group that brings together the abdomen, pelvis and glutes. But, also, an area as important as the lumbar and the deep muscles of the back.

Therefore, exercises to strengthen the core are useful to strengthen the entire area of ​​​​the dorsal column. Does that sound familiar to you? pain and injuries backwards? Well, if you exercise your core you get:

  • Correct weight distribution in the spine and pelvis.
  • You have better balance and stability.
  • Improves the body posture.
  • You achieve greater coordination of movements.
  • Helps in injury prevention.

Selection of exercises to strengthen the core

Of course, we cannot forget that exercising the core area, in addition to the specific effects that we have pointed out before, is also a way to burn calories and stay in shape.

There are numerous exercises to strengthen the core that are well known, such as the different forms of abdominal planks or leg raises. Therefore, we try to propose some less mentioned and expensive ones for everyone.

1. Exercises to strengthen the core with a roller

This formula is highly recommended because it exercises the entire core. Furthermore, even beginners can practice it.

  • Starting position on your knees, with the roller in your hands.
  • Roll forward, keeping your back straight and your muscles as firm as possible.
  • Return to the starting position, contracting your abdomen.

Routine: It is recommended to start with 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
advice: It is essential that you avoid arching your back.

2. Hip Thrusts exercises

The best thing about this technique is that you can practice it anywhere. That is, so that you don’t stop your training on those days when it has been impossible for you to get to the gym.

  • Initial inverted table pose: looking at the ceiling, hands under the shoulders and hips high.
  • The buttocks are slowly lowered to the floor.
  • Go up quickly to recover the initial position.

Routine: 3-4 series of between 30 seconds per minute.
advice: Try to maintain a constant rhythm

3. Kettlebells to strengthen the core

Also called kettlebellThese weights are characterized by their ball shape and the handle that functions as a grip. They are very versatile, which explains why their use has become so widespread in recent times.

  • Starting position standing, with your back straight and a kettlebell in each hand.
  • Tilt your shoulder blades back and down, tense your muscles and walk forward, with your knees relaxed and your feet slightly spread out.
  • Make a longitudinal route that allows you to turn and repeat in the opposite direction.

Routine: One minute runs, repeating in 4 series.
advice: Play with the weight, reducing or increasing it depending on how difficult it is for you.

There is a variant, the kettlebell lunges:

  • Starting position standing with a kettlebell in each hand.
  • Move your left foot forward, while lowering the opposite leg until it touches the ground.
  • Push off with that left foot to stand upright.
  • Repeat alternating feet.

Routine: 3 or 4 series of 30-60 seconds.
advice: Regulates the difficulty of playing with the weight you carry.

4. Pulley exercises

Finally, we take advantage of another very common tool in gyms, the pulleys.

  • Starting position with the pulley adjusted to the top, grab a rope in each hand.
  • Twist your torso, while bringing the rope up in a diagonal movement.

Routine: 3 sets of 15 repetitions, on each side.
advice: Regulate your effort by putting more or less weight.

These are some examples of exercises to strengthen the core. But, as we told you, there are many more options. is eurofitness We work on this type of routines in all our sports centers, always personalizing the choice based on your preferences.

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