Accesibilidad Universal y Mujeres:Discapacidad y derechos humano

The international and national laws and policies on disabilities have historically neglected aspects related to women and girls with disabilities. In turn, the usual laws and policies relating to women have ignored the disability.

This invisibility has perpetuated a situation in which there are multiple and intersectional forms of discrimination that leaves behind a forgotten and excluded population, who causes basic structural discrimination in all areas of life.

Due to the myths and stereotypes that deny the recognition of rights as women to those who have a disability, they suffer discriminatory treatment and mistreatment that particularly affects their human rights and fundamental freedoms, with important and sometimes irreparable consequences for their lives.

This course aims to pay attention to this situation and explain how the intersectionality It is a basic concept to understand the scope of these multiple forms of discrimination suffered by women and girls with disabilities.

It also addresses the need for implement policies and programs to eliminate these situationsensuring that also women from disadvantaged groups, such as women with disabilitieshave access to information about your rightsboth individually and collectively.

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