descubre un alimento de ALTO ➽ VALOR nutricional

He cheese hutCottage cheese, also known as ricotta, is a fresh, unripened cheese that provides extraordinary health benefits. Made from cow’s milk, cottage cheese is characterized by its lumpy texture and a mild, slightly acidic flavor. Unlike other cheeses, it is low in fat and high in protein. This makes it a food with very interesting nutritional properties.

This food is the protagonist of a discovery; that of a doctor who was nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. We are referring to the research of Biologist Johana Budwid and his work on cottage cheese, fresh linseed oil… And how the combination of these foods It brought surprising and enormous benefits for health. We reveal it at the end of our post.

Cottage cheese or curd cheese

He cheese hutalso known as cottage cheeseis an unripened fresh cheese made from cow’s milk. It is characterized by its lumpy texture and a mild, slightly acidic flavor. It is a naturally low-fat cheeseespecially if you choose the skimmed variety. This makes it an ideal option Ideal if you want to eat few saturated fats.

You may be interested to know that proteins are essential for improving health in an integral way: tissue repair, hormone and enzyme production… And maintaining a powerful muscle mass. In this sense, cottage cheese is a source of high quality protein.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

The order contains some of the most important vitamins: vitamin A or the essential vitamin B12. It is a B vitamins crucial for the development of the nervous system and brain function. It also provides vitamin Dwhich improves the absorption of calcium and vitamin K, essential for good blood clotting. Its contribution of matchcontributes to good bone and teeth health.

Regarding minerals, this dairy product provides you with calcium and is very rich in sulfuressential for many detoxifying functions of your body. It is also a good source of phosphorus, which contributes to good dental and bone health.

Cottage cheese protein and strength training.

As you already know, protein is an essential macronutrient for life; for the growth and regeneration of body tissues and organs. That is why it is such an interesting food for athletes.

Cottage cheese has an ideal protein profile for athletes.

Did you know that cottage cheese reaches 25 grams of protein, per 100 grams of product? This feature makes it a ideal food For you If you are an athlete and you follow intense training routines. Thus, having a good cup of tea helps you build and repair muscles.

The proteins in cottage cheese are mainly casein; a type of slow-digesting protein that is released into the body gradually, over several hours. This makes it a constant source of amino acids. This is how it promotes muscle synthesis, reduces muscle catabolism and promotes muscle recovery Overnight.

The great secret of cottage cheese… And linseed oil

Around 1940 there lived in Germany a doctor named Johanna Budwigwho discovered that mixing cottage cheese and linseed oil changed the charge of the electrons in the latter from negative to positive. This improved its absorption at the cellular level.increasing by more than 90% The assimilation of Omega 3 of linseed oil. He also observed increased oxygenation and nutrition of the cells; a extraordinary profit for health. In addition, it was confirmed that this healthy fat became soluble in water, increasing the intestinal absorption of essential polyunsaturated fats and optimizing the use of Omega 3.

Food thus became a miraculous anti-cancer ally, boosting cardiovascular and brain health and overall cellular function.

Dr. Budwig was nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times, becoming an international authority on the study and application of fats.

At Eurofitness we recommend incorporating cottage cheese into your healthy diet. With its high protein content and low fat content, it is an ideal food if you are an athlete. Feel free to follow us on FacebookInstagram and YouTube to not miss our news.

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