It is the fashionable fruit. Its consumption in Spain has skyrocketed by 1,392% in a decade and has become an almost cult food. In its favor, the nutritional value of avocado itself, which provides healthy fats to our diet. Its Achilles heel: the environmental impact of a product that is either imported from tropical areas, with the resulting carbon footprint, or is produced in the south of Spain in areas where water for irrigation is already a major problem. .
Nutritional value of avocado
If we talk about the nutrients of avocado, the first thing is to analyze its fat content. But it is not its only value. This fruit – yes, it falls within the group of fruits – also provides other nutrients of great value for our diet.
Healthy fats, your great asset
For every 100 grams of avocado we eat, 15 grams of are fats, mostly monounsaturated. “That is the great advantage of avocado. It is an unsaturated fat with a scientifically proven cardiovascular benefit, since when it replaces saturated fats in the diet it could help reduce blood cholesterol levels”, explains Imma Palma, director of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the Blanquerna Faculty of Health Sciences-Ramon Llull University. Plus, most of these good fats come from oleic acidthe same one that contains olive oil.
For this reason, there is often a tendency to equate the benefits of avocado with those of olive oil. “Both have a fat of similar nutritional quality. They are especially rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and, specifically, in oleic acid (approximately 65% is present in avocado oil and 75% in olive oil),» says the dietician-nutritionist.
The differences are in the very nature of each food. Avocado is a fruit, not a oil, so to make the comparison truly comparable, avocado oil and extra virgin olive oil would have to be taken as a reference. The explanation is simple: avocado has a high proportion of water that does not exist in oil.
Calories that are very satiating and do not make you fat
The standard size of an avocado is between 170-300 grams (with the stone and skin). Of them, approximately 100-150 grams are the edible portion. The energy value is about 140 kilocalories per 100 grams of edible portion. “If we eat half an avocado, we will be ingesting between 8 and 10 grams of fat (the equivalent of a tablespoon of oil), an amount that does not have to decompensate the diet of a person who is controlling the calories in their daily diet” .
Another advantage that must not be lost sight of is that this fruit is very satiating. “And this can be a strategy for well-planned weight loss diets,” says Imma Palma.
Little protein, but quality
Every 100 grams of avocado provide 1.8 grams of protein, an amount that is not large, but adds up as a source of plant protein. The expert reminds that it is not a food that people with high cholesterol should eliminate. «As with olive oil, there are scientific studies that have shown how unsaturated fats, such as oleic acid, can help lower blood cholesterol.»
Carbohydrates with a very low glycemic index
A 100 gram serving of avocado contains very few carbohydrates (0.8 grams) and has a low glycemic index (50-55). This means that, after ingestion, the increase in blood glucose is minimal, unlike what happens when eating foods that provide quickly absorbed carbohydrates (pastries, refined flours and their derivatives, sweets, soft drinks, juices, etc. .). For this reason, it is a fruit that can be part of the diet of those people who must control blood sugar levels.
Furthermore, it provides a large amount of fiber (6.3 grams of fiber per 100 grams) and water (76.4 grams), two great allies for combat constipation and for intestinal health in general. Now, precisely this high amount of fiber means that it can be restricted in patients with some disorders of the digestive system.
vitamins and minerals
Regarding the minerals in avocado, potassium stands out: 522 milligrams per 100 grams of avocado consumed, compared to the 385 milligrams that, for example, bananas provide. It is also a source of manganese, a mineral related to bone health and antioxidant properties.
It also “also contains fat-soluble vitamins, which are vitamins found in fatty foods, such as vitamin E.” Likewise, it provides folic acid, vitamins K and B.6, and “a wide variety of active phytochemical substances, many of them antioxidants.”
Contraindications of avocado
Avocado is a fruit that, in general, can be consumed by the majority of the population. The exception is those people with latex allergy. Since they have similar allergens, they should eliminate it from their diet to avoid possible allergic reactions. It is also not indicated for people with kidney problems, due to the large amount of potassium they have.
Can you eat a newspaper?
Despite the undoubted health properties of avocado, It is not strictly necessary to eat avocado daily. The expert emphasizes that this food has not historically been part of the Mediterranean diet and that we can obtain the same nutrients without any difficulty through other foods in our diet.
An example of an alternative typical of the Mediterranean diet is olive oil. “It is true that olive oil does not have potassium, but this mineral is very accessible in fruits, vegetables, tubers, nuts, legumes, etc. It also does not provide fiber, but supplementing throughout the day with nuts, vegetables and legumes. , we would get it. In addition, olive oil is more efficient in terms of contribution of heart-healthy fats and phenolic compounds with proven cardioprotective effect.”
The maximum daily consumption portion of avocado that is usually recommended ranges between 50 and 60 grams. Now, in the context of a healthy diet, it is advisable to accommodate the greatest possible variety of foods and compare avocado. 2-3 times a week with other fruits and vegetables, as well as other sources of healthy fats, such as nuts. “For those people who like it a lot and want to take it daily, the solution is to take only half or a small one. In these cases, it is important to control the rest of the fats, and avoid substituting olive oil, which is a vehicle for the consumption of other foods such as vegetables, legumes, fish, etc. since it improves the organoleptic properties of those foods. ”says Palma.

Ideas to include it in our diet
Avocado has become an increasingly present ingredient in breakfasts. “A toast with avocado, accompanied by some tomato, fresh cheese or a hard-boiled egg, is a healthy breakfast. Furthermore, as it is very satiating, it is difficult to consume it in large quantities and this becomes a good support for well-planned weight loss diets,” says the dietician-nutritionist.
But avocado can also be used in the rest of the meals of the day.
It is important to take the variety into account to choose those with a more or less creamy pulp, depending on the use we are going to give it. The creamiest They are more appropriate for preparing guacamole or spreading them on toast. of bread as a substitute for other less healthy creams or mayonnaises (again, we must insist that systematic substitution of olive oil should be avoided).
the varieties Less creamy or whole specimens are more appropriate for cutting into cubes. and add to salads, tartar or as a garnish.
Hass | Rounded shape Dark, rough skin Intense green flesh |
Rush | Clearly round and large shape (about 500 grams) Green and quite smooth skin Yellowish and soft pulp |
strong | Pear shape Green, smooth, shiny skin Soft, greenish, buttery flesh |
The avocado sustainability dilemma
The enormous demand for this food has led to an exponential increase in its cultivation and marketing. The problem is not only that arable land is allocated to this food, to the detriment of other products, but also its high water footprint (it requires 2,000 liters of water for every kilogram). Although a small part of what is consumed in Spain comes from the Tropical Coast (Málaga and Granada), the horror of our consumption. important coverage, especially, of Latin America. And that’s the problem: bringing fruit from miles of kilometers has a devastating environmental impact for the fuel necessary for transportation, especially if it is air.
“The avocado grown in Spain could also be questionable, since it requires a large amounts of water in areas where irrigation restrictions They are already very common. Avocado is nutritious, very tasty, satiating and we can include it in our diet without problem. But it is not essential and, of course, consuming it so frequently is very unsustainable, especially when compared to olive oil,” the expert concludes.
For all these reasons, it should not be a frequently consumed food if we seek to have a sustainable as well as healthy diet. There is nothing wrong with enjoying it in a salad or on toast, but for regular consumption it is preferable to focus on foods produced closer to and typical of the Mediterranean pattern.
The ALDI Council
Have you opened an avocado but are you only going to consume half? To prevent it from oxidizing, add a squeeze of lemon and store it in the refrigerator.

Inma Palma. Doctor from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona; Master in Nutrition and Food Sciences (UB); Graduate in Biological Sciences (UB) and Higher Technician in Dietetics. She is currently Director of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics of the Blanquerna Faculty of Health Sciences, of the Ramon Llull University. During the years 2007-2014 she was a professor and researcher at the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona. She has been an associate professor and academic secretary of the Center d’Ensenyament Superior de Nutrició i Dietètica, a center attached to the University of Barcelona. She was a founding partner of “DN ella Center for Dietetic and Nutrition Consulting”, where she worked during the years 1990-1999, dedicating herself to advice and consulting on issues related to food, nutrition and food safety.