The shoulder exercises that develops these muscles must be of strength or weight. The Muscle fibers grow, regenerate and become much stronger. when doing weight training. Below we will explain the specific routine that will achieve interesting hypertrophy in this part of the body.
Let’s pose a three-exercise workout of shoulder than to achieve the objective: muscular hypertrophy in the shoulders and arms. By practicing them, for a few weeks, you achieve big, sculpted shoulders. Let’s see which son.
Barbell shoulder press: one of the most effective shoulder exercises
The shoulder press With a barbell it is essential to develop strong and defined shoulders. This exercise is especially important to contribute to greater athletic performance in other shoulder exercises.
Execution of this exercise for shoulders
We are going to take the bar off the rack and raise it above our head until the elbows are fully extended. The grip It should be a little wider than the width of our shoulders, with palms facing forward.
We keep the bar close to our body During the entire movement, without losing control. We lower the bar slowly and in a controlled manner until it returns to shoulder height.
It is key to maintain activated abdomen and controlled breathingfor impeccable execution.
The muscular work of the shoulder press
This shoulder push works the three deltoid portions: anterior deltoid, lateral deltoid and posterior deltoid. It also involves the middle and upper part of the trapezius.
This gives us extra strength in movements like the shoulder crunch or the overhead lift. It works simultaneously the triceps brachii, especially the long beam; in elbow extension, very necessary to raise the halter.
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
An ideal exercise to isolate and work the lateral deltoids and broaden the shoulders; something that interests us, especially for get that sculpted and beautiful look. If our preference is kettlebells or kettlebells, we can perform the lift with them, without a problem.
The correct execution of the dumbbell lift
To correctly execute this shoulder exercise, we stand with our feet shoulder-width apart: back straight and core contracted.
Perform a lift of both dumbbells at the same time, keeping your elbows slightly bent throughout the range of motion. It is important contract deltoids during exercise.
We raise the dumbbells until they are at shoulder height or a little higher. Next, we go down the dumbbells slowly in a controlled mannermaintaining controlled tension.
Muscles worked in this shoulder exercise
The lateral deltoids. This muscle is the main target of the exercise, since it contracts intensely during lifting the dumbbells to the sides.
We will develop, to a lesser extent, the posterior portion of the deltoid, which contributes to the definition of the back part of the shoulder.
We shapefinally, to muscles like the serratus anterior, trapezius and supraspinatus: involved in the stabilization of movement.
Face Pull or pull to the face
A Face Pulls or Jalón to the face strengthens and develops the external rotator muscles of the shoulder.. This muscle group is key for stability and injury prevention.
You can do it with elastic bands or with weight, on a fitness machine at your trusted sports center.
The Face Pulls technique
We sit in a low pulley machine with your legs bent and your feet on the floor.
We grab the pulley bar with a supine grip (palms facing up). The back should be straight and the head aligned with the spine.
We pull the bar towards the face, keeping the elbows slightly bent and the arms close to the body.
Then, we lower the bar slowly in a controlled manner to the starting position, maintaining muscle tension.
What muscles do they work?
It is a fundamental exercise to strengthen and develop:
- External rotator muscles of the shoulder; supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor. These muscles are responsible for external rotation of the shoulder, an essential movement for movements such as throwing a ball or lifting objects overhead.
- The trapezius, to a lesser extent, is also activated during this shoulder exercise, especially the middle and upper part.
Should we train together to develop bigger, more sculpted muscles? At Eurofitness we have the perfect facilities to perform shoulder exercises and achieve these goals.