PAHO launches open call for Strategic Advisory Groups – PAHO/WHO

The Strategic Advisory Groups will advise the Organization on a range of technical issues, including disease elimination, mental health, climate change and maternal mortality, among others.

Washington DC, April 4, 2024—The Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, today launched 12 open calls for experts to join the Organization’s Strategic Advisory Groups. The Groups will advise the Director of PAHO on strategic technical matters related to specialized health areas.

The revised policy on Strategic Advisory Groups, including open convocation, is part of a broader approach to increase efficiency, transparency and accountability under PAHO’s Adelante Initiative. The creation of more standardized procedures aims to ensure transparent processes for the establishment of Strategic Advisory Groups and their membership, as well as standardize the terms of reference, application and selection processes. This initiative will also allow for better subregional and gender balance in the Organization’s advisory mechanisms. The Strategic Advisory Groups will replace the current Technical Advisory Groups (GAT). Each member will serve a three-year term, renewable once.

Twelve Strategic Advisory Groups have been created for the following specialized healthcare areas:

  • Elimination of diseases
  • Universal Health and Primary Health Care
  • Sustainable Development Goals and health equity
  • Vaccine-preventable diseases
  • Non-communicable diseases and risk factors.
  • Mental health and suicide prevention.
  • Prevention and preparation for epidemics and pandemics
  • Increase regional capacities for innovation and production of medicines and other health technologies.
  • Climate change and environmental determinants of health
  • Information systems and digital transformation of health
  • Malaria
  • Reduction of maternal mortality

Prospective experts interested in joining the Organization’s Strategic Advisory Groups should submit their CVs via this link. Successful applicants will act in their individual capacity and may not represent a country or institution. The SAGs will meet twice a year, including at least one in-person meeting.

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