‘Sabrosas Sobras’, innovación en la cocina y en tus menús

It’s Sunday night and you still don’t know what to have for dinner? The fridge is full of leftovers from the week, but you can’t think of anything… Keep reading, because this is going to interest you.

2023 was the year in which the Artificial intelligence within our lives. Although it was not something new, some accessible and easy-to-use tools for the population, such as ChatGPT, set a precedent.

Supermarkets have also joined this trend. Artificial Intelligence turns out to be a very useful tool for organizing a trip, for example. And… what do you say if, in addition, it can also help you plan your meals? Precisely, that’s what it’s for Tasty LeftoversALDI’s free and open access digital tool.

Through generative Artificial Intelligence, this platform uses the ingredients that you enter and transforms them into various recipes. That is to say, gives a chance to those foods you have at home that would otherwise end up being thrown away. Plus, the resulting recipe is very tasty, unique and personal!

Artificial Intelligence more gourmet

Tasty Leftovers works through Agent, an autonomous conversational agent. In essence, he carries on conversations and answers your questions as if he were a person… except he’s not! It is an Artificial Intelligence specialized in gastronomy and recipe creation.

This is undoubtedly innovative. Artificial Intelligence is thus closer to the general public in a super simple way. Furthermore, AIgent is the result of months of research, so it can ensure very reliable and accurate results.

As information, In its first two weeks, Tasty Leftovers generated more than… 11,000 lines! The most used ingredient, the egg. And the recipe created the most times, salads of all types and colors.

Not a crumb in the trash

You already have your dinner ready. It is delicious and very satisfying. But the best of all is that you have taken advantage of those leftovers that you didn’t know what to do with and it has resulted in a complete dish.

Without eating or drinking ityou have done your bit in the fight against food waste. Do you want to know how you can continue contributing in this regard? The supermarket chain ALDI, for example, applies a 30% discount on some items with a best-before or near expiration date. That is, it makes it easier for the consumer to obtain products that, otherwise, would end up wasted.

During 2023 alone, ALDI managed to use more than 6,500 tons of perishable products with this initiative, 8.5% more compared to 2022.

Efficiency throughout the week

With all this, you can start thinking beyond a specific dinner. Tasty Leftovers It can be of great help when planning menus and purchases. As? Joining other trends that, along the same lines, help reduce food waste.

An example is the Cook for the whole week: organize all the meals of the week by cooking in a single session. That is, make more of each food in order to distribute it over several days and in different dishes.

So as not to end up eating the same thing day after day, Tasty Leftovers will be your ideal ally: It will help you make different recipes with similar ingredients, but with a different touch. It’s about changing one or two ingredients each time, but always recovering them from your refrigerator.

Definitely, Tasty Leftovers It joins a series of cooking methods that focus on nutritious dishes cooked by oneself, reduce the waste of perishable foods and avoid unnecessary expenses.

#TastyLeftovers #AprovechaTusRestos #CreativeCuisine

Content created by ALDI
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