PAHO and the Korea International Cooperation Agency join forces to improve access to health for migrants in Peru – PAHO/WHO

Lima, Peru, March 20, 2024 (PAHO) – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) launched a joint project to strengthen social inclusion and access to health for women. migrant and refugee populations in Peru. The project aims to address some of the main barriers to health for immigrants, who represent more than 3.7% of the country’s population.

The project, which will be implemented by PAHO in close collaboration with national and subnational health authorities, is funded with a US$3.4 million donation from KOICA. It has three objectives: identify the main health risk factors faced by migrant populations in Peru to design and implement effective interventions; improve access to essential health services for migrants and refugees; and reduce xenophobia, stigma and discrimination faced by migrants and refugees in Peru.

“Ensuring access to quality health care for the most vulnerable populations, including migrants, is a key priority for PAHO,” said PAHO Director Jarbas Barbosa. «We appreciate this opportunity to work with KOICA on such a crucial issue for our region.»

Social and political conflicts, food insecurity, natural disasters, climate change and economic difficulties are some of the historical drivers of migration in the Region of the Americas. Since 2015, Peru has seen more than a million migrants, mainly due to migration from Venezuela to neighboring countries.

Some of the main barriers to health faced by migrants in host countries include the lack of formal employment and official documentation to access health services, particularly at the primary health care level. Migrants and refugees were also among those most affected by the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Migrants and refugees in Peru “are important members of our population and deserve respect,” said Peru’s Vice Minister of Public Health, Ricardo Peña Sánchez. The project will not only “allow us to optimize the health of migrants and reduce stigma,” but will also help strengthen health information and surveillance systems in the country, which will benefit everyone.

In Peru, the majority of migrants are based in Lima (74%), followed by Callao (6%) and La Libertad (5%), which are areas of intervention of the project, as well as Tumbes and Tacna, border regions to the north and south of the country.

Peru has made significant progress to improve the health of migrants, including providing free health care for pregnant women and migrant children under five years of age through the state health system (SIS). The new project will help the country expand access to quality healthcare services for migrants and refugees.

“The KOICA Peru office is committed to contributing to achieving healthy lives and universal health for all,” said KOICA Peru Director Youngwoo Kim. “KOICA looks forward to the project becoming a reality and generating real changes in the lives of the people of Peru.”

PAHO works with countries in the Americas to guarantee the health of migrant populations through five strategic areas. These include strengthening health surveillance; improve access to health services for migrant and host populations; improve communication and access to information to counter xenophobia, stigma and discrimination; strengthen partnerships and networks; adopt policies and programs to promote and protect the health and well-being of migrants.

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