- Soon: The Confederation launches its Virtual Classroom with a formation of spokespersons; People with mental health problems had the second lowest employment rate in 2022; Deaths by suicide increase by 5.6% in 2022, compared to 2021.
- Library: “Women and psychoses: multidisciplinary perspectives»; «Faces in the water»; «Airless spaces.»
- Main report: MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN demands an end to coercion and violent treatment on World Mental Health Day
- Mental health up to date: The #RightToOurRights campaign denounces coercion in the field of mental health care; Confederation Campaign for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
- In Confederation: MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN starts a new strategic cycle; The IMPULSO Project promotes the digital transformation of the associative movement; The HUB Genera closes the edition in the year of its consolidation.
- Entities: The associative movement SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA denounces violations of human rights
- A day in… The library: literature and mental health, the importance of writing in the first person.
- Talking with… Zuhaitz Gurrutxaga: «Humor dismantles castles, dismantles myths and someone who has OCD dismantles all that history.»
- The voice of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA: Jonatan Yuste Carrasco, representative of the First Person Mental Health Committee of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA.
Available for free donation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=»1/5″][dt_default_button link=»url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.consaludmental.org%2Fpublicaciones%2FRevista-encuentro-n3-2023.pdf|title:Descargar%20revista|target:_blank» button_alignment=»btn_center»]DOWNLOAD MAGAZINE[/dt_default_button][ultimate_spacer height=»0″ height_on_tabs=»5″ height_on_tabs_portrait=»10″ height_on_mob_landscape=»15″ height_on_mob=»15″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][dt_default_button link=»url:%2Fsuscripciones%2F|title:Descargar%20revista|target:%20_blank|» button_alignment=»btn_inline_right» el_class=»reves» icon_align=»right»]SUBSCRIBE TO THE MAGAZINE[/dt_default_button][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=»1/4″][vc_btn title=»VOLVER A REVISTAS» style=»gradient-custom» gradient_custom_color_1=»#ffffff» gradient_custom_color_2=»#ffffff» gradient_text_color=»#005b50″ shape=»square» align=»center» i_icon_fontawesome=»fa fa-chevron-circle-left» add_icon=»true» link=»url:%2Fcentro-de-documentacion%2Fpublicaciones-de-salud-mental%2Frevista-encuentro%2F|title:VOLVER%20A%20PUBLICACIONES||»][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => Encuentro Magazine No. 3 year 2023
[post_excerpt] => On the cover: “Mental health, global health: a universal right.”
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-02-29 07:15:58
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This issue develops, among others, the following topics:
- Soon: The Confederation launches its Virtual Classroom with a formation of spokespersons; People with mental health problems had the second lowest employment rate in 2022; Deaths by suicide increase by 5.6% in 2022, compared to 2021.
- Library: “Women and psychosis: multidisciplinary perspectives”; «Faces in the water»; «Airless spaces».
- Main report: MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN demands an end to coercion and violent treatment on World Mental Health Day
- Mental health up to date: The #RightToOurRights campaign denounces coercion in the field of mental health care; Confederation Campaign for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
- In Confederation: MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN starts a new strategic cycle; The IMPULSO Project promotes the digital transformation of the associative movement; The HUB Genera closes the edition in the year of its consolidation.
- Entities: The associative movement SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA denounces violations of human rights
- A day in… The library: literature and mental health, the importance of writing in the first person.
- Talking with… Zuhaitz Gurrutxaga: «Humor dismantles castles, dismantles myths and someone who has OCD dismantles all that history.»
- The voice of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA: Jonatan Yuste Carrasco, representative of the First Person Mental Health Committee of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA.
Available for free donation.