The Health promotion It is the process of enabling people, individually and collectively, to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. It covers not only actions aimed at strengthening people’s skills and capabilities, but also actions aimed at changing the social, environmental and economic determinants of health to optimize their positive impact on public and personal health.
The Health Promotion and Prevention Strategy in the SNS develops the actions that are part of it. These actions are related to health promotion, healthy environments and lifestyles (physical activity and reduction of sedentary lifestyle, diet, prevention of alcohol and tobacco consumption), health equity, local health and community health, as well as information on different networks that work for health.
The disease prevention It includes to reduce the presence of risk factors for the disease, to prevent its progress and reduce the consequences once established. In this sense, information can be found on prevention related to healthy aging, safety and prevention of unintentional injuries (accidents), violence, vaccination programs and screening programs.
In the following link you will find the website, where we can consult, in the Ministry of Health, the documents: Health Promotion and Prevention Strategy in the SNS
Additionally, in this link you will find the Healthy Lifestyles Website and the Health Resources map Locate Healthand the catalog SIPES (Health Promotion and Education Information System).
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