The latest report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate changerecently published, warns of the devastating effects that climate change has on people’s health and survival. The Lancet countdown is an international research collaboration that aims to monitor the evolution of the effects of climate change on health, through 47 indicators. 114 scientists and health professionals from around the world have participated in the preparation of this report.
Climate change has become a major threat to global health. Phenomena such as heat waves, droughts, fires and floods are becoming more frequent, causing an increase in mortality and food insecurity.
2023 has been the hottest year since there are records, and if we take into account the forecasts that the average global temperature will increase by up to 2ºC, by mid-century the report calculates that:
- heat-related deaths will increase by up to 370%;
- job losses attributed to heat will increase by 50%;
- up to 524.9 million people will experience some form of food insecurity, moderate to severe, between 2041 and 2060;
- It will also increase the spread and transmission of infectious diseases.
Despite the worrying data presented regarding global warming, The Lancet countdown considers that we still have opportunities to combat climate change and the impacts it generates on our health. To do this, install a putting health at the center of climate actionso that Actions against climate change are carried out that promote health and lay the foundation for a prosperous future.
Furthermore, it points out the important role that the health community can play in achieving these objectives, promoting active travel, healthier diets and improvements in environmental conditions or air quality..
Access to the report (in English):