“Es el momento de romper el silencio sobre el abuso sexual infantil”

WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 105215
    [post_author] => 2
    [post_date] => 2023-11-27 09:31:38
    [post_date_gmt] => 2023-11-27 08:31:38
    [post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]La asociación AVASIS, integrada en la Federación SALUD MENTAL ANDALUCÍA, ha presentado un manifiesto elaborado por personas con experiencia propia en salud mental, pertenecientes de con motivo del Día Mundial para la Prevención de los Abusos Sexuales en Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes, que se celebró el 19 de noviembre.

AVASIS ha llevado a cabo diversas actividades para visibilizar esta problemática en conmemoración de dicha fecha, dedicada a reivindicar la prevención y eliminación de la explotación, los abusos y la violencia sexuales contra la infancia. Estas acciones incluyeron iniciativas informativas, campañas de sensibilización y eventos de reivindicación.

Bajo el lema “Rompe el Silencio”, AVASIS busca erradicar el tabú y el estigma que rodean este grave problema, factores que perpetúan el silencio y la impunidad. Es fundamental otorgar voz a las personas supervivientes y abrir espacios para hablar de esta problemática. El abuso sexual no solo es un asunto social, sino también un problema de salud pública que nos concierne a toda la sociedad. Por ello, para la entidad "es el momento de abordar este desafío de manera colectiva y unida" y "de cambiar este paradigma y tomar medidas concretas".


Bienvenidas y bienvenidos, hoy es 19 de noviembre, Día Mundial para la Prevención del Abuso Sexual Infantil. Desde AVASIS, este año defendemos el lema “Rompe el Silencio”. Esta problemática afecta a 1 de cada 5 menores, sin embargo, queremos resaltar que estos datos son irreales ya que la mayor parte de las personas supervivientes no denuncian el abuso. La sociedad tiene que saber que es una violación de los derechos humanos y un problema de salud pública, que tiene consecuencias a corto y largo plazo, siendo estas últimas las más evidentes en la etapa de adultez, sobre todo en la salud mental.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_single_image image="105227" img_size="full" add_caption="yes" onclick="link_image"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Muchos adultos que hemos sufrido abuso nos hemos visto envueltos en el silencio, escondiendo nuestro dolor porque nos sentíamos culpables de lo que nos había pasado, desgraciados, rotos, avergonzados… sin saber qué hacer. Hasta que nuestra vida se derrumbaba refugiándonos en caminos que nos anestesiaran la mente y el alma. El tabú en torno al abuso sexual infantil (ASI) perpetúa el silencio y la impunidad; luchemos contra él al hablar abierta y responsablemente sobre el tema. La conciencia y la educación son clave para eliminar el estigma, apoyar a las personas supervivientes y prevenir futuros casos. Es hora de enfrentar el problema de manera colectiva, brindando apoyo a quienes lo necesitan y trabajando juntas y juntos para crear comunidades seguras y libres de abuso sexual infantil. El cuidado de la infancia debe tener un enfoque global, donde toda la población participe; de esta manera, se convertirá en conducta y por ende, en Política de Estado.  Por tanto, pedimos al Estado:

  • Raise awareness about this problem and the various consequences we face due to trauma.
  • The stigma surrounding ASI makes it difficult to practice our rights.
  • Promote a healthy environment for the correct development of children and adolescents.
  • Guarantee resources for prevention, detection and intervention in ASI.
  • Guarantee the freedom and safety of people, as well as their protection, against degrading treatment.
  • Promote awareness and prevention campaigns by involving different agents from the school, health, legal and work spheres.

We cannot consent to silence, we cannot consent to them touching our body, hurting us, making us ashamed, making us afraid, physically and mentally mistreating us… We do not belong to anyone. The people who love you listen to you, support you…the people who love you do not touch your body without your consent. You have a voice. You decide for yourself. Don’t shut up, talk about it, shout about it. You are always on time: BREAK THE SILENCE.
AVASIS is a non-profit association, formed by survivors of sexual abuse and professionals, with a common goal: to help other victims of sexual abuse in childhood and their families, through different services, such as a self-help group, family groups, cultural outings, therapeutic groups and psychosocial care . individualized.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=»93070″ img_size=»full» onclick=»custom_link» img_link_target=»_blank» link=»https://consaludmental.org/sala-prensa/actualidad/salud-mental-espana-cumple-4-decadas/»][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=»1/4″][vc_btn title=»VOLVER A NOTICIAS» style=»gradient-custom» gradient_custom_color_1=»#ffffff» gradient_custom_color_2=»#ffffff» gradient_text_color=»#005b50″ shape=»square» align=»center» i_icon_fontawesome=»fa fa-chevron-circle-left» add_icon=»true» link=»url:%2Fnoticias%2F|title:NOTICIAS||»][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => AVASIS: “It is time to break the silence on child sexual abuse”
[post_excerpt] => On the occasion of World Day for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Children and Adolescents, AVASIS has launched an awareness campaign to «break» the silence surrounding this type of violence against children.
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[post_name] => avasis-romper-silence-child-sexual-abuse
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[post_modified] => 2023-11-27 09:31:38
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-11-27 08:31:38
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AVASIS: “It is time to break the silence on child sexual abuse”

On the occasion of World Day for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Children and Adolescents, AVASIS has launched an awareness campaign to «break» the silence surrounding this type of violence against children.

the Asociation AVASISintegrated into the FEDERATION SALUD MENTAL ANDALUCÍA, has presented a manifesto prepared by people with their own experience in mental health, belonging to the World Day for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Children and Adolescents, which was celebrated on November 19 .

AVASIS has carried out various activities to make this problem visible in commemoration of said date, dedicated to demanding the prevention and elimination of exploitation, abuse and sexual violence against children. These actions include information initiatives, awareness campaigns and advocacy events.

Under the motto “Break the Silence”, AVASIS seeks to eradicate the taboo and stigma surrounding this serious problem, factors that perpetuate silence and impunity. It is essential to give voice to survivors and open spaces to talk about this problem. Sexual abuse is not only a social issue, but also a public health problem that concerns the entire society. Therefore, for the entity «it is time to address this challenge collectively and unitedly» and «to change this paradigm and take concrete measures.»


Welcome, today is November 19, World Day for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. At AVASIS, this year we defend the motto “Break the Silence”.

This problem affects 1 in 5 minors, however, we want to highlight that these data are unrealistic since most survivors do not report the abuse.

Society has to know that it is a violation of human rights and a public health problem, which has short and long-term consequences, the latter being the most evident in the adult stage, especially in mental health.

Many adults who have suffered abuse have found themselves enveloped in silence, hiding our pain because we felt guilty for what had happened to us, unhappy, broken, ashamed… without knowing what to do. Until our lives collapsed, taking refuge in paths that anesthetized our minds and souls.

The taboo around child sexual abuse (CSA) perpetuates silence and impunity; Let’s fight it by talking openly and responsibly about the issue. Awareness and education are key to eliminating stigma, supporting survivors, and preventing future cases. It is time to confront the problem collectively, providing support to those who need it and working together to create safe communities free of child sexual abuse.

Child care must have a global approach, where the entire population participates; In this way, it will become conduct and therefore, State Policy. Therefore, we ask the State:

  • Raise awareness about this problem and the various consequences we face due to trauma.
  • The stigma surrounding ASI makes it difficult to practice our rights.
  • Promote a healthy environment for the correct development of children and adolescents.
  • Guarantee resources for prevention, detection and intervention in ASI.
  • Guarantee the freedom and safety of people, as well as their protection, against degrading treatment.
  • Promote awareness and prevention campaigns by involving different agents from the school, health, legal and work spheres.

We cannot consent to silence, we cannot consent to them touching our body, hurting us, making us ashamed, making us afraid, physically and mentally mistreating us… We do not belong to anyone.

The people who love you listen to you, support you…the people who love you do not touch your body without your consent.

You have a voice.

You decide for yourself.

Don’t shut up, talk about it, shout about it.

You are always on time: BREAK THE SILENCE.

AVASIS is a non-profit association, formed by survivors of sexual abuse and professionals, with a common goal: to help other victims of sexual abuse in childhood and their families, through different services, such as a self-help group, family groups, cultural outings, therapeutic groups and psychosocial care . individualized.

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