Zaragoza, May 24, 2023

Assembly hall, Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza.

C. de Pedro Cerbuña 12, 50009 Zaragoza

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The Conference is an opportunity to publicize the research that has been carried out between 2019 and 2021 (interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic) on the situation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Aragon from the perspective of the Educational Community, by General Directorate of Public Health of Aragon in collaboration with the General Directorate of Planning and Equity.

The objective is know the perspective on the incorporation and approach of comprehensive sexuality education in educational centers in Aragon through experts, teachers from educational centers, parents from public and charter schools and public health professionals. Based on the conclusions, the purpose is to prepare a work proposal for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for educational centers.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) published a revised edition of the International technical guidance on sexuality education, that promotes quality comprehensive sexual education, as well as gender equality, and empowers boys, girls and young people to lead healthy, safe and productive lives.

During childhood and adolescence, children and young people are exposed to sexually explicit materials. The Internet is flooded with data and quick advice that they consult as the first source of information to clear up their doubts, without taking into account that many of these contents are unfounded. . scientific and theoretical and this situation makes them vulnerable to abuse, unwanted pregnancy, STIs (sexually transmitted infections)…

Good quality sexual education would compensate for these circumstances through the provision of information adjusted to the truth that emphasizes values ​​and emotional relationships. This should include structured opportunities that allow them to explore their values ​​and attitudes, putting into practice essential decision-making skills and making informed choices about how to conduct their sexual life.

According to UNESCO, comprehensive sexuality education programs usually include several goals that reinforce each other:

  • Enrich knowledge and understanding.
  • Explain and clarify feelings, values ​​and attitudes.
  • Develop or strengthen skills.
  • Promote and sustain behavior aimed at reducing risk.

All boys, girls and young people benefit from a gradual process of sexual education developed from the beginning of formal education. This process must include complete, scientifically correct, bias-free, and age-appropriate information. If it is not available, it is likely that the child or young person will receive contradictory and sometimes harmful messages from their peers, the media or other sources.

In the field of education it has great value as it is a link between the student, families, health services and the community.

Thus, from the General Directorate of Public Health and the General Directorate of Planning and Equity, we call for the Presentation day of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education report.


  • presenter the situation and perspective of the educational community on comprehensive sexuality education in Aragon.
  • Reflect on the approach of emotional sexual education and school competencies.
  • Discuss about new educational strategies and proposals that adapt to the reality and needs of students, teachers and families, and serve as a forum for new initiatives.


  • Guidance and teaching management teams of educational centers in Aragon.
  • Other teachers and non-formal educators.
  • Family federations
  • Members of the Aragonese Network of Health Promoting Schools (RAEPS).
  • Members of the Aragonese Network of Health Promotion Projects (RAPPS).
  • References of the Community Care Strategy.
  • Health agents and social health professionals.


5:00 p.m. Presentation of the Day by Francisco Javier Falo, General Director of Public Health.

5:15 p.m. Presentation of the study and the proposal for Comprehensive Sexuality Education by Elisa Ferrer, Head of the Health Promotion Section. General Directorate of Public Health.

5:45 p.m. Aspects to take into account to address Comprehensive Sexuality Education through different perspectives. Moderated by Mercedes Febrel. Head of the Health Service in All Policies. Competitor:

– Carlos Moreno, teacher and coordinator of the training proposal.
– Victoria Tomás, sexologist from Desmontando a la Pili.
– Leyre Martín, Head of Youth Programs and Benefits Service, Aragonese Youth Institute.
– Miguel Ángel Sarralde, FECAPARAGÓN.
– Nieves Burón, technical secretary of FAPAR.
– Mª José Iranzo, technical advisor for Equality. Equity, Inclusion and Continuing Education Service

– Eva Blasco, representative of the Federation of Student Associations (FADEA).

7:00 p.m. End of the day

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