The report Impact of the increase in the use of the Internet and social networks on the mental health of young people and teenagers has been prepared by the work team of the National Observatory of Technology and Society (ONTSI) in collaboration with Society of the digital future. This document raises the relationship of younger people with the Internet and social networks and how abuse or misuse affects their mental health.
Mental health problems have increased among the population in recent years, especially as a result of the pandemic, a period in which the use of the internet and other technologies also increased. Exposure to screens has direct repercussions on physical and mental health. Among the syndromes derived from excessive use of the Internet and social networks are FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out, or fear of missing out on something), nomophobia (NO MObile phobia, or irrational fear of not having a mobile phone), as well as addiction . to video games and other behaviors related to the perception of one’s own image and eating disorders. It is also noted that the more time adolescents spend in front of screens, the more obesity, sleep problems, anxiety and depression increase.
To prevent the risks of abusive use of screens (Internet, social networks and video games), the study gives a series of recommendations:
- Promote awareness among the population and young adolescents about the magnitude of this problem.
- Consider parental control over the use of digital services to prevent behaviors that can lead to mental problems.
- Train families and schools in the acquisition of basic digital skills so that they can accompany and supervise minors in the digital literacy process.
- Invest more resources both to investigate all the implications of this problem and to adequately care for the adolescent and youth population that suffers from it.
Despite everything, it should be noted that the benefits of Internet use in adolescents continue to outweigh the negative impact they generate.
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