The accumulation of studies on the possible effects of a type of intervention related to diet is such that from time to time the so-called «reviews of reviewed» are appreciated, that is, those publications that review all existing reviews. And if this work also encompasses a great diversity of interventions, it will allow us to have a kind of «super summary» that can be useful to have a general perspective of the existing evidence.
Here it is (click to enlarge):
As you can see, the information included is truly complete: More than twenty interventions, both with supplements and changes in diet; five indicators of disease and mortality (general and cardiovascular mortality, heart attack, stroke and coronary heart disease); possible general effect (no effect, benefit or harm); and strength of existing evidence (divided into four levels). All condensed into a single figure.
At first glance, possibly the most striking thing is that most of the interventions have not produced any effects on disease or mortality (gray). And that the evidence is in almost all cases low or very low (0 or 1). Which is consistent with the idea that nutrition and health research is really complex, especially when it comes to intervention trials and indicators of disease or mortality, as is the case.
For those more interested in going deeper, in the document you can find all the references used, which are many.