Cómo hacer sentadillas correctamente para mujeres [Trucos y consejos]

Squats are one of the basic exercises that are part of many training routines. Knowing how to do squat training correctly for women is essential for an effective. Also to avoid injuries due to poor technique. Especially considering that this exercise is the basis for other more elaborate ones. For example when it is done with some type of added weights. These tips and tricks will help you do it correctly.

How to do squats correctly for women, practical tips

Avoid creating an abnormal curvature in the spine when descending.


It is such a common mistake that it even has its own name. Experts call it an extreme wink or a funny wink.. But it’s very unfunny if you stop to think that it can cause a herniated disc.
Maintaining the technique while being very aware of this point is essential. How to solve it? In addition to keeping this problem in mind while practicing squats to avoid it, there are other things you can do. Among them, reinforce abdominal stability with appropriate exercises. And stretch your hip flexors two or three times a day to keep them in shape.

When you do squats with weight, take care of the starting position

The starting position is key to doing the exercise with good technique and avoiding injuries.. You must place the bar on the trapezius muscles, always taking into account that it should never be placed on the cervical muscles. In addition, the feet must maintain the correct posture to do squats.

Prevent your knees from collapsing inward.

The most common cause of the knees collapsing inward is keeping the hips too tight. But this can also happen if you have stiff ankles. If you know how to do squats correctly for women but find yourself unable to prevent your knees from collapsing, consult your physical therapist. It can help you find the cause.
Strengthening your hamstrings and glutes will also help you avoid this problem..
Don’t insist on doing squats improperly. This could cause a serious injury when doing squats.

Never stick your ass out excessively

A common mistake when do squats is that the buttocks protrude excessively. For some reason it happens to quite a few women. If you notice that when you do squats they begin to protrude, you should remedy it.
To do this you must make sure to keep your chest and shoulders in a vertical position. At the same time you must keep your back straight with your head looking forward.
This does not mean that the ass should come forward. Not at all. This is a key point in the body for good posture and technique. In fact, you should lean back. And probably the «back» is what some people confuse with taking out. The trick is to imagine that you are descending to sit on a chair. This usually helps maintain proper posture when doing squats.

Keeping your back straight, key to how to do squats correctly for women

Your back should look more like a half V than a half U. Especially during the descent. Advancing your chest slightly can help maintain proper posture.

Don’t overload one leg

Weighted squats can be dangerous if you load one leg more than the other. Balance is key when doing squats. But sometimes it seems that overloading one leg with respect to the other is something foreign to oneself.
If you feel this is happening to you, consult a physical therapist. It may be a muscle imbalance problem resulting from an injury. or caused by other reasons. The professional will tell you if you really suffer from this problem and how to solve it. This way you can continue doing squats without increasing this postural problem.

Keep your feet straight in relation to your shoulders and your knees behind your feet.

is It is important that you maintain this alignment.

Open your legs shoulder-width apart when doing squats


It is true that it exists different types of squats. And each one of them requires a leg position. But if you are learning to do squats, before performing any variations, you must learn the basic technique well. And to do this, it is important that you keep your legs open to the width of your shoulders.

Never lose connection with the ground

Never have the idea of ​​lifting the soles of your feet off the ground while doing squats. And even less so if it involves weighted squats. The loss of strength would be gross.l. And, sometimes, it would also be accompanied by a dangerous loss of balance. this could cause serious injury.

Keep your arms straight when doing simple squats

When you prepare to do squats without weight, do not forget the importance of arm posture. Keep them either together or parallel, stretched out and at a 90º angle with the body.

Take these tips into account on how to do squats correctly for women. They are key to good technique. It depends on whether you really work the muscles you want to exercise. And, furthermore, it is essential to avoid injuries.


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