DESCOBREIX 5 grans beneficis 😍

A dutxa d’water freda It can accelerate metabolism, strengthen the immune system or reactivate blood circulation. Questions are some of the Five benefits that we have compiled for you., in a new post from our block. Keep in mind that all these advantages for teva salut have been scientifically proven. This means that this practice is safe, if it is correct. Let’s start!

The water dutxa freda consists of serving the water to some graus divuit centigrade. This temperature, which is lower than that of cos humà, is sufficient to enjoy its advantages. What is sought, with this daily routine, is to reactivate all bodily functions and optimize them. Do you dare to try it?

First benefit: the dutxa d’aigua freda is a natural antidepressant

If you decide to incorporate, into your daily hygiene routine, the water dutxes freda veuràs that are they provided an unexpected aleujamentt. Numerous studies have shown that this practice can promote the release of endorphins, the anomenades. “happiness hormones”, which helps improve mood and reduce depression. You have to know that focusing on the dutxa amb l’aigua a divuit graus plays a relevant role in The balance of the nervous systems.: The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems reduce inflammation and depression.

In this sense, studies and research on the subject support that soaking with water at this temperature balances the central nervous system… The importance of having the parts of the central nervous system balanced is enormous. For example, the research of the Institute of Neuroscience and Mental HealthUniversity of Alberta, a Edmonton (Canada): if you keep control over the balance of the nervous systems (sympathetic and parasympathetic), depression and stress is reduced. If això passesa, the consequence is that the inflammation is reduced; Now I know that the inflammation is direct responsible for pain and illness.

Segon benefit: it also stimulates the immune system

The exposure to the water could be training for your immune system. The xoc d’aigua freda a la pell increases the production of white balloons. These are fundamental issues for the defense of the cos against infections and all the other pathologies.

A healthy immune system significantly reinforces the risk of uncontrolled immune responses that lead to serious diseases: l’MS (Multiple Sclerosi) or cancer, for example.

Això means that water rights can contribute to greater resistance against all types of illnesses: common ones, flu processes, respiratory pathologies or more serious health problems.

Third benefit: improves blood circulation

It was bad to feel that initial impression, the dutxes with the same Freda fan who your circulatory system is active. The reaction to the water freda fa que The organism that works the most intensely. to maintain the body temperature.

Over time, this practice can make the circulatory system more efficient and directly benefit cardiovascular health. Through the activation of capillaries, Oxygenation above is more efficient in organs and tissues.. The result is improved health in all areas of the body: skin, hair, organs, etc.

Quart benefit: helps in weight loss

The water dutxes freda can be an ally in the fight against obesity and excess weight. When exposed to cold water, the body has to work harder to maintain the internal temperature, which implies a greater loss of energy. Greater energy loss means burning more calories and, therefore, losing more weight.

Aixó does not mean that fredes dutxes follow a exercise substitute i a healthy diet… But they can, indeed, help speed up the metabolism and, over time, help in weight loss.

Five benefits: provides energy and increases alertness

It is really a very good option, starting the day, getting active and using energy to be able to face a work day, training or studying.

A freda dutxa can be the best way toincrease energy Alert the matí. The xoc of the water freda activates the nerve endings of the pell, promoting aixi high levels of attention. Això fa que followed an excellent option to increase productivity at work or concentration to study… Or improve your performance and objectives at gymnastics.

At Eurofitness we want to encourage you to try Freda Dutxa’s routine and adopt a healthy lifestyle: balanced diet, hydration and physical activity.

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