What is energy expenditure: It is the relationship between energy consumption and the energy our body needs. To maintain equity, the energy we absorb must be equal to the energy used, that is, the daily energy needs must be equal to the total daily energy expenditure. The body expends energy through resting energy expenditure, voluntary physical activity, and the thermic effect of food.
Total energy expenditure is calculated by multiplying the resting metabolic rate (RMR) by the physical activity coefficients or according to the type of activity carried out.
- Man: Light: 1.55 – Moderate: 1.78 – High: 2.10
- Women: Light: 1.56 – Moderate: 1.64 – High: 1.82
The physical activity developed can be classified as follows:
- Light Activity: People who spend several hours a day in sedentary activities, who do not play sports regularly.
- Moderate Activity 2 or 3 times a week. Walk at 5 km/h. Those activities in which objects are moved or handled in a moderate way. More than 30 minutes a day of moderate activity and 20 minutes a week of vigorous activity.
- High Activity: People who walk long distances daily, use the bicycle to get around, carry out vigorous activities or practice sports that require a high level of effort for several hours. Moderate or vigorous activity every day.
Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) means the energy that the body consumes and is composed of the sum of Basal Energy Expenditure (GEB), also called Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Endogenous Thermogenesis (ET) and Physical Activity (PA). ). ). That is, the daily energy needs must be equal to the total daily energy expenditure.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines GET as: “the level of energy necessary to maintain the balance between energy consumption and expenditure, when the individual has weight, body composition and physical activity compatible with a good state of health. . , having to make adjustments for individuals with different physiological states such as growth, gestation, lactation and aging.”
We can divide the entire energy expenditure into:
- Basal metabolic rate (TMB)
- Physical activity expenditure (AF)
- Dynamic action of food (TEA)
Total Energy Expenditure is the result of Basal Energy Expenditure (GEB) or Basal Metabolism (MB) plus Physical Activity (PA) plus the Thermogenic Effect of food (ETA). Considering certain variables such as age, sex, height, weight and physical activity, we can calculate the total daily energy expenditure of a person. To do this, different methods can be used, such as nomograms or using different mathematical formulas.
It is one of the most used formulas, it is that of the World Health Organization (WHO) in which the Basal Metabolism (MB) is first calculated and multiplied by an average daily activity factor (AF) according to the number of hours . of that activity.
Multiplying the basal metabolism by the activity factor we obtain the total energy expenditure.
A person’s energy expenditure refers to the amount of energy that the body uses in the execution of each of its functions and activities. These functions can be as varied as maintaining body temperature, conduction of nerve impulses, repair and formation of tissues, mechanical work of muscles to move, digestion of food or breathing.
The human body spends energy through several ways in which they stand out: in the form of resting energy expenditure (REE), voluntary, physical activity and the thermic effect of food (ETA). Except in extremely active subjects, REE constitutes the largest portion of total energy expenditure (TEE). The contribution of physical activity varies greatly between individuals.
Energy expenditure at rest includes the energy expenditure necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body and body temperature in a pleasant, cool environment in a state of rest. The main component is the basal metabolic rate, which is why it is also called basal energy expenditure, and it can represent 75% of the total energy expenditure.
Resting energy expenditure is usually slightly higher than the basal metabolic rate alone. The basal metabolic rate is measured in the morning upon waking up when at least 12 hours have passed after the last meal and the person is in a state of complete physical and mental rest. Energy expenditure at rest, for its part, is measured at any time of day when at least 4 hours have passed since the last meal and physical activity.
Energy expenditure due to voluntary physical activity represents the energy consumption produced by any movement of the body, climbing stairs, getting out of bed or playing a sport. It is the most variable portion of total energy expenditure and can range from 10% in a sedentary person to 50% in an athlete. physical activities are all those activities related to the practical and sporting and those necessary to carry out the activities of daily living.
There are different elements involved in it energy expenditure physical traininghow can they be intensity, the higher the intensity, the greater the energy consumption. Time, the longer the duration, the greater the cost of energy. he body weight It is also one of the elements that affect energy expenditure, the greater the weight, the greater the energy expenditure due to physical activity.
If you have no idea how to carry out a training routine, you can request the help of a virtual personal trainer to help you with your objectives.
Basal energy expenditure is the amount of energy that the body consumes at rest and to this we add physical activity factor (FA) and the specific dynamic effect of foods that reside in the energy in the form of kilos of calories that the body needs to digest foods. foods they consume. All this assuming that he is a healthy person, because if he is sick he should add a correction factor for illness.
Basal Energy Expenditure is the energy that the body requires to perform basic functions, such as breathing, blinking, heart pumping, blood circulation or synthesizing hormones. Even if the body is at absolute rest, it continues to function. Each person’s metabolism varies, depending on some factors such as sex, age, height, weight. Until adulthood the metabolism rate grows, it stabilizes for a few years, and after the age of 40 it begins to decrease.
The Ideal Basal Metabolism must be the same, or very similar to the Basal Metabolism.
he Basal metabolism is the minimum value of energy necessary for a cell in our body to survive, that is, the amount of energy that a person needs in a state of rest. It is the energy necessary for all our vital signs to function involuntarily and for our body to maintain an adequate and constant temperature.
he Exact basal metabolism It is the minimum number of calories that the body requires to function, it is determined through a study called Indirect Calorimetry. The rest of the calories are determined by the physical activity carried out by each person. Many times when a person has been trying to regulate their weight for months or even years, this exam can provide the solution to this problem.
Indirect calorimetry determines a person’s energy expenditure at rest, that is, the necessary information will be obtained about the calories that their body spends at rest, it will guide us about their basal metabolism to determine if it is normal or increased. . or decreasing. The data obtained through this exploration will allow you to calculate your daily energy needs in order to install a dietary treatment appropriate to your specific characteristics.
he basal metabolism It is the minimum value of energy necessary for the cell to survive. This minimum energy is used by the cell in the intracellular chemical reactions necessary to carry out essential metabolic functions, such as respiration.
he daily basal metabolism It is obtained by calculating very closely, through the Harris Benedict equations:
Man: 66.4730 + (13.751 x mass. kg) + (5.0033 x height in cm) – (6.55 x age)
Women: 655.1 + (9.463 x mass.kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.6756 x age)
Do you know how to calculate the ideal weight of a person? You can read the link to know how to do it.