Grief is an adaptive process that must be known and normalized. To face the new family situation at Christmas, there are a series of guidelines that can make it easier to cope with these dates. «There are no magic recipes, the most important thing is that the person who is in the grieving process gives themselves time to feel and decide what they want.»
These talks address «empty chair syndrome», that is, the dissonance between sadness and the joy that one is supposed to feel. It also talks about the special attention that children require, who must be involved in this process. In addition, guidelines are given to help those around us understand our pain and suffering, as well as to accompany the person who is going through the grieving process.
What can I do if I am grieving this Christmas? From the association They recommend some guidelines that can help us deal with grief this Christmas.
- Plan the celebration
- Find new traditions
- Avoid self-medication
- Respect and express emotions.
- Accept and request practical help
- Take a break during the family gathering
- Symbolize your loved one with a candle, a plant, a photo or a song
- Relieve stress in the previous days
- Strengthen your belief system
From the Spanish Association against Cancer Provide psychological grief care to those relatives of cancer patients who request it.
And Infocáncer is available 24 hours a day (900 100 036)
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